Be An Ally

June 2, 2020

Evidence shows that helping others can have a positive effect on your mental health and wellbeing; it reduces stress and can improve your mood, self-esteem and overall happiness.

As the world grapples with the intense effects of racism and prejudice right now, today's Mindful Moment is a reminder that allyship has wellness benefits that help us all. By helping others, by being empathetic, by being mindful of others’ experiences, by checking in on our colleagues and friends, we not only help alleviate the emotional burden of those deeply involved in the daily struggle for equality and inclusion, but we also become better colleagues, friends, and partners in the quest of justice for all.

Our friends at the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers have compiled some excellent resources centred around anti-racism and mental health.

To learn more about how you can become an ally, register for the OBA's free-to-members How to be an Ally By Design program from our Inclusive Leader Series.