April 11, 2022
Some wisdom - and perspective - from Southwest Regional Representative on our OBA Board, Doug Ferguson:
I find a moment of gratitude helps to ground me when things are stressful.
I look back at the struggles I've been through - the early passing of my first wife at age 44, being a single dad to two teenagers for five years, nearly dying while undergoing a liver transplant, an unsuccessful run for Parliament in 2011. But then I look at how I overcame those struggles, and where my life is today. Happily remarried, my kids are thriving, my health is good, I'm enjoying my grandchildren, and I have a sense of purpose in this stage in my life. I realize how lucky I am, and how I have successfully met the challenges life has thrown at me.
And some related sage advice from Central East Regional Representative Christine Roth:
Take a moment and think of not what you do not have, but what you do have. Recharge.
Today, we encourage you to reflect on: What are you grateful for and what have you have achieved and overcome to be exactly where you are?