
Mindful Moments

We all win with mini-breaks - just a few minutes away from work - which, studies show launch, help to support wellbeing, reduce feelings of overload and increase productivity.

Close-up of a green leaf with water droplets, showcasing detailed vein patterns and the text 'Mindful Moment' in elegant white script.

Happy Trails to You

May 21, 2022

This is the finale in our latest series of Mindful Moment emails - your daily reminder to take a moment for self-care through the challenges of an increasingly hybrid work environment and what we hope has been a final push out of the pandemic.

We want to send you off with encouragement to continue to take time for yourself - small moments do count! - to focus on what you've achieved, what makes you unique and what you to do for others, or to simply smile, switch gears, or enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

We will continue to add to our award-winning lineup of Mindful Lawyer CPD programming, where you will find highly beneficial self-care and wellness strategies designed with lawyers in mind, and to our OBA Wellness Hub.

As we head into the long weekend, we invite you to connect with nature, perhaps venturing onto one of these trails - from easy, to moderate, to "you'll need a canoe to get there" - from Explore's list of Ontario's 25 Best Hikes.

Scenic view of a rocky cliff overlooking a calm, expansive blue lake, surrounded by lush green trees under a clear blue sky.

Make Your Own Mantra

May 19, 2022

Mantras boast many psychological benefits, including improving attention, changing your mood, and adding to your peace of mind.

Following are some suggestions from You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job about how to make your own personal mantra:

  1. Choose three things you’d like to change about yourself or your situation and incorporate each into a sentence that begins "I am" (e.g., "I am stressed").
  2. Then write each phrase’s opposite (i.e., "I am stressed," becomes "I am relaxed" or "I am calm").
  3. Write these three statements on a card - dress it up if you like! - and place it somewhere you’ll see it often.
  4. Repeat your three mantras throughout the day as needed and prepare to feel better.

Cartoon illustration of a person meditating in a lotus position, floating above the ground in an office setting with a chair, desk, laptop, coffee mug, and plant.

Source: You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job and Other Reminders of Your Awesomeness, Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 2015.

Remember Why You Love the Law

May 18, 2022

Impassioned and engaged lawyer-authors across 40 OBA Sections pen hundreds of articles in any given year that contribute to a larger conversation about legal developments, trends, decisions and best practices. Contributors across career stages, specialties and regions offer practical expertise, personal experiences, incisive commentary, and colourful opinions that bring to life the character and complexities that make each area of practice unique - not to mention fascinating and fulfilling!

Remind yourself why you're passionate about your area of practice by taking a couple of minutes to read an article from OBA Sections. Either select your Section of interest and click their Articles page, or view one of these pieces just posted in the past week:

Refuel Personally to Flourish Professionally

May 17, 2022

From George Daoud, Central West Region representative on the OBA Board, comes this helpful reminder that performing at our best professionally requires regular personal maintenance:

"At least once a week, doing something which keeps you grounded is a must. Family, community, friends, hobbies, physical activity or just a good book are all ways to replenish and refuel personally, so we can sustainably operate professionally."

Time for a Timeout

May 16, 2022

From the Mindful Moment archives come this short video from the OBA'S Mindful Lawyer CPD Series session on Technology and Its Distractions. It features a quick three-minute meditation break along with a summary of the psychological benefits of practicing mindfulness.

Write a Limerick

May 13, 2022

This week, poetry-enthusiasts celebrated National Limerick Day. Why not observe the occasion by writing your own funny 'nonsense poem' using the template below (courtesy of Hannah Spuler's blog) and following the rhyme scheme AABBA:

  1. There once was a ____________ named __________
  2. Who wanted to ________________________.
  3. He/She/They/It (sat/stood/laid) on a _________________,
  4. And said, "What a ______________!"
  5. And then ___________________________________.

Stop and Smell the Flowers

March 30, 2020

In-the-Moment Mindfulness Practices

May 10, 2022

Michele L. Walter, founder of Life From the Summit, suggests a couple of short, in-the-moment mindfulness practices you can deploy when the time is right.

2 Feet, 1 Breath (Great for when you're standing in line or even sitting during a meeting.)

  • Lift up one foot, place it back down, and feel it on the floor/ground; do the same with the other foot; then take one conscious inhale and exhale.

3 Ps (You can do this anytime you're going from room to room, when you're picking up the phone, or sitting down at the computer.)

  • Pause: Take a moment and take a single breath.
  • Be Present: Notice the sensations, thoughts, or emotions that are present in the body at this moment
  • Proceed: Respond compassionately to anything that needs your attention in the moment (if you can), and then proceed with what you were going to do.

View OBA's Mindful Lawyer CPD program, Mindful Self-Compassion, for more tips from Michele.

Conquer Distraction with Intention

May 9, 2022

In any given workday, the necessary influx of calls, emails, colleague interactions and alternating in-person an online meetings, can interrupt a productive and creative flow and break your concentration. Doing some of the intention-setting exercises below can help you start your work with a clear, focused mind.

Before you open up your laptop or start your computer to begin your work, take a few moments to centre yourself.

  1. Think about one thing you want to accomplish
  2. Be clear about you’re trying to achieve
  3. Stay positive

All you really need is just 5-10 minutes to focus on who you are in the moment and where you want to channel your energy. Intention-setting can give you both purpose and motivation and also help bring a positive tone to your day.

Five Steps Toward Happiness in Law

May 5, 2022

Feeling disenchanted with day-to-day practice? Professor Larry Krieger and Theresa Revell Krieger offer these five steps for success and happiness in law:

  1. Know the experiences you actually need to be happy
  2. Focus on connection and expression, rather than competition and comparison
  3. Drop stress from your identity and reality
  4. Experience joy, love, and inspiration all day
  5. Realize that all achievement starts inside, and go there often

View the full free-to-members OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD program with Larry and Theresa

Turn Commute Time into Me Time

May 6, 2022

From true crime to current affairs, dental hacks to public transit, there’s a podcast out there to appeal to almost every interest - a constant and captivating stream - and there’s no better cure for the commuter blues.

On the way home tonight, why not immerse yourself in the OBA's Work that Works podcast and turn your imagination to the legal workplace of the future as you listen to fascinating conversations between OBA Past-President Charlene Theodore and leaders in law and organizational change from near and far?

Man communiting to work on a bike wearing headphones

Cut out the Negativity

May 4, 2022

Thinking good thoughts cuts stress, increases cognitive function and improves mood. Optimism makes you smarter, happier, and healthier. Easier said than done? Try the following:

  • Every day - right now! - think of something or someone for which you are grateful.
  • Stop - or at least drastically curtail - the negative talk.
  • Limit your news and/or social media consumption if it’s affecting your mood.
  • Start your days off with an intention to be positive

Hands holding a smiling face emoji cutout, with two other emoji cutouts (neutral and angry expressions) placed on a blue background.

Gain more tips from lawyer and executive coach Rob De Toni on how to stock your resilience toolbox in this free-to-members program.

Practice Empathy

May 2, 2022

From May 2-8, the Canadian Mental Health Association is leading Mental Health Week, and this year it’s all about empathy. We can all do better in supporting, connecting and communicating with others by taking this message to heart:

"Let’s stop polarizing and start empathizing. Be there for each other when times are hard and be ready to listen. You don’t have to agree to understand, and you don’t have to fix it to help … #GetReal. Don't weigh in. Tune in."

Hone your emotional intelligence with this free-to-members OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD program.

Put Things in Perspective

April 29, 2022

When mired in the aggravations of the day, it's easy to lose perspective. Take time every day to think about the things that bring you joy.

"With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?" - Oscar Wilde

A paper boat made from graph paper placed on an open book, surrounded by yellow flowers and green grass in a serene outdoor setting.

Why not do one thing this weekend that your 10-year-old self would want to do?

Take a Trivia Mini-break

April 28, 2022

As Canadian legal tutor Mattea Roach continues her winning streak and inevitably blazes her way into the Jeopardy Hall of Fame, Buzzfeed challenges you to take a trivia timeout by trying to answer questions that tripped up previous champs (with the benefit of multiple choice and absence of buzzer, of course!):

Quiz: Ken Jennings, James Holzhauer, Brad Rutter, And Amy Schneider Got These 20 Jeopardy Questions Wrong. Can You Get Any Of Them Right?

We all win with mini-breaks - just a few minutes away from work - which, studies show, help to support wellbeing and increase productivity!

Get Grounded in Hybrid Work

April 27, 2022

A great reminder from 2020, as many of us acclimate to a hybrid work situation, with a few days at home and a few days in the office, and a steady influx of changes to set-up and circumstances:

Grounding is a practice that can help calm your mind by distracting you from what you're experiencing and refocusing on what's happening in the present moment.

By focusing your mind on the present, you can ease your worries and anxieties about the future. Try these simple grounding techniques to help create space from any distressing feelings you may be experiencing:

  • Name three things you see
  • Name three things you smell
  • Name three things you hear
  • Name three things you feel
  • Take three deep breaths

Capture the High Points

April 26, 2022

"Regularly writing in a diary or on a blog can do wonders to relieve stress and boost your creativity. Try an 'awesomeness journal' by jotting down a couple of the brightest moments of your day."

Source: You are Doing a Freaking Great Job and Other Reminders of Your Awesomeness, Workman Publishing Co. Inc., 2015

A smiling woman holding an open notebook, looking away thoughtfully, seated in a bright room with a neutral background.

Guided Meditation Apps

April 25, 2022

Looking for a good guided-meditation app? Check out the following recommendations from Michele L. Walter, founder of Life From the Summit (and OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD speaker).

  • Insight Timer (free and paid versions);
  • Calm (paid after 7-day trial);
  • Ten Percent Happier (paid after free trial);
  • Headspace (free and paid);
  • Liberate (specifically for people of colour)
  • UCLA Mindful (from the Mindful Awareness ReseaCenter) (free)

Or try this guided meditation video - complimentary to members.

Find Your Zen (Again)

April 22, 2022

In honour of Earth Day, we're bringing you a Mindful Moment redux from 2020, featuring an outdoor-themed, nature-inspired meditation moment.

In through the nose, out through the mouth…

Reframe a Challenge

April 21, 2022

Pursuing a legal path is demanding, but how you view the challenges along the way will determine whether you end up stressed and burned out or joyful and inspired.

Take a moment to try reframing your thinking around a project or problem you're facing, using this example of putting law school into positive perspective from Professor Larry Krieger and Theresa Revell Krieger.

Stressed Mindset

"Law school is…

Intense Competition … Class Rank … GPA … Top 10% … Law Review … Moot Court … High Debt … Long Hours … Constant work."

Healthy Mindset

"Law school is…

Growing … Learning … Expanding … Exciting … Empowered … Helping … Fairness … Goodness … Purpose … Meaning … Finding myself."

View the full OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD program,

Read Some Good News

April 20, 2022

Technology publication MUO recently compiled its highly bookmark-able "Top Five Good News Websites" - a welcome dose of positivity amidst the day's doom-and-gloom headlines:

Take heart in some happy stories from one of the public sites above or take a couple of minutes to peruse progress made in the OBA's Not Another Decade initiative, designed to change headlines for the better.

Take a Bite-Sized Language Lesson

April 19, 2022

Benefits of learning another language can include a boost to creativity, your EQ (practical intelligence) and your facility for coping with the unknown or unpredictable.[i]

Why not take a couple of minutes a day to engage in a bite-sized language lesson from one of the many available online language-learning sites, like Babbel, Duolingo or Rosetta Stone?

If you fancy enhancing your fluency in French - for the personal or professional gains - the OBA has partnered with Berlitz® to offer members discounted rates for small-group or one-on-one language training.

i. Source:

You are a Star

April 18, 2022

This afternoon, take a moment to contemplate what makes you uniquely great and reflect on these words from Judy Garland:

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second-rate version of someone else."

Illustration of twinkle lights and stars

Get Ready for a Good Sleep

April 14, 2022

As routines change, consistently getting a good night’s sleep reduces your risk of getting sick, improves your mood, helps you think more clearly and function better at work – and allows you to get along better with people.

Here are some tips from lawyer and executive coach Rob De Toni on gaining maximum benefit from a good night’s sleep:

  • Avoid caffeine
  • Don’t drink alcohol to fall asleep
  • Develop a bedtime routine
  • Put down your smartphone
  • Make your room dark
  • Stick to a sleep schedule
  • Get sunlight in the morning

Gain more of Rob’s tips for Stocking Your Resilience Toolbox in this free-to-members program.

Brown dog sleeping on a white pillow with a white duvat

The Power of Kawaii

April 13, 2022

According to research conducted by psychological scientists at Hiroshima University in Japan, “cute” (kawaii) pictures of baby animals, including puppies and kittens, may facilitate improved performance on detail-oriented tasks that require focus.

Indulge in a minute of cuteness with our video below and build concentration to power you through your afternoon.

Dress Your Desk for Success

April 12, 2022

Based on principles of the ancient Chinese art of feng shui, that every object in one's environment contributes to the state of their livelihood and affects the flow of energy, You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job offers the following tips for a "simple workspace makeover":

  • To attract prosperity, place a plant in the back left corner of your desk, which is the space said to represent wealth.
  • Place a reference book or inspiring intellectual object on the front left corner of your desk to invite wisdom into your work life.
  • Add something made of wood for a boost of inspiration (this is especially effective if the object is placed in the eastern corner). Why not make a vintage wood sign?

Source: You are Doing a Freaking Great Job and Other Reminders of Your Awesomeness, Workman Publishing Co. Inc., 2015.

Appreciate What You Have Today ... and What it Took to Get Here

April 11, 2022

Some wisdom - and perspective - from Southwest Regional Representative on our OBA Board, Doug Ferguson:

I find a moment of gratitude helps to ground me when things are stressful.

I look back at the struggles I've been through - the early passing of my first wife at age 44, being a single dad to two teenagers for five years, nearly dying while undergoing a liver transplant, an unsuccessful run for Parliament in 2011. But then I look at how I overcame those struggles, and where my life is today. Happily remarried, my kids are thriving, my health is good, I'm enjoying my grandchildren, and I have a sense of purpose in this stage in my life. I realize how lucky I am, and how I have successfully met the challenges life has thrown at me.

And some related sage advice from Central East Regional Representative Christine Roth:

Take a moment and think of not what you do not have, but what you do have. Recharge.

Today, we encourage you to reflect on: What are you grateful for and what have you have achieved and overcome to be exactly where you are?

Play a Word Game

Aprli 8, 2022

A Mindful Moment suggestion for puzzle-loving members from, Toronto Region Representative on the OBA Board, Bianca Thomas: do Wordle. With just six tries to solve the word, it's a quick and captivating diversion. "It can be a nice break during the workday," says Thomas, "and I know I look forward to doing it every day." Word games abound - pick your brain-teaser!

Wordle image on a phone


10 Ways to Brighten Your Day

April 7, 2022

Finding ways to take care of your body and mind are important touchstones for self-care and essential elements to managing stress, staying healthy and building up resiliency.

We know it's not always easy to prioritize self-care, especially right now when we are, once again, re-jigging our routines and experiencing so many different emotions.

To help - following up on our original tips - here are another 10 simple ways to incorporate a little self-care into your day:

  • Read and reflect on a favourite poem
  • Do a crossword, sudoku or word-search
  • Spend some time in the garden (weather permitting!) - or buy yourself some flowers
  • Peruse photos from a favourite trip
  • Clear space in your closet or drawers by collecting no-longer-used items for donation
  • Send a thank-you or thinking-of-you text, email or note to someone who matters to you
  • Create a pump-up or wind-down playlist and sing or dance along. We have an OBA Blocko playlist from DJ Steph Honey you might like!
  • Try a new recipe
  • Take the dog - or a good book - to the park
  • Grab a coffee, tea or treat at a café you've never been to before

Do one now, or try one a little later today. Just make sure you take the time to take care of yourself.

A Mindful Moment to Honour Indigenous History

June 22, 2020

June is National Indigenous History Month, and National Indigenous People's Day was yesterday so for your Mindful Moment today, let's take some time to honour the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

As many of us continue to work from home, there are plenty of dynamic online resources we can explore to understand the distinct journeys, spiritual beliefs, and continuing cultural practices of First NationsInuit and Métis peoples.

We can engage with and recommit to Truth and Reconciliation and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, read up on history and experience from the books on this recommended reading list, and/or listen to and learn about some Indigenous musicians by visiting this online collection of composers, groups, session players, solo artists and songwriters.

Three individuals performing against a vibrant orange background: a woman playing a violin, an Indigenous dancer in traditional regalia, and a man playing a guitar, with flowing musical notes and ribbons in the foreground.

A Friday laugh: The cutting edge of relaxation

May 29, 2020

As much as the OBA is a champion for innovation, we also know that relaxing and recharging is worth the time it takes to unwind. Enjoy this Friday laugh and have a nice, restful weekend.

Cartoon illustration of a patient speaking to a doctor in an examination room. The patient, looking animated and slightly stressed, says, 'I'm learning how to relax, doctor—but I want to relax better and faster! I want to be on the cutting edge of relaxation!' The doctor, holding a clipboard, listens with a neutral expression.

Source: Glasbergen Cartoon Service

Stand (or stretch) in the place where you work

April 6, 2022

Did you know the simple act of just standing up increases oxygen flow to the brain by 15%?

Take two minutes right now to stand up and/or simply stretch and give your brain a chance to refresh – with our video instruction below.

Bring Balance Back to the Office

April 5, 2022

As you find yourself in the office more, are you applying the lessons learned over the past two years of remote work or falling back into unhealthy habits?

Take a moment to contemplate this advice offered by Jennifer Philpott, employment and labour lawyer at Goulart Workplace Lawyers, in an article for the OBA’s Young Lawyers Division on Considerations for Returning to the Workplace:

Transitional periods in life provide an opportunity for reflection, and returning to the workplace is no exception. The last 20 months have been a masterclass in the importance of resilience and adaptability–both fundamental characteristics in practicing law. If you’re like me, the pandemic may have given you a new perspective on work, life, and the ever-elusive balance of the two. Healthy routines like eating lunch away from your desk, taking a short walk to break up your day, and strictly sending non-urgent emails during business hours can make a difference in the workday. 

Silhouette of a person standing gracefully, holding a falling leaf, surrounded by colorful autumn leaves swirling against a gradient background.

Habits to Make You Happier

June 24, 2020

Illustration with the text 'The Science of Happy' in the center, surrounded by science-themed icons like DNA strands, test tubes, molecules, and magnifying glasses, all in a colorful, playful design.

A recent Forbes article highlighting seven science-based habits for happiness caught our eye, and we thought we would share it with you.

The seven habits are:

  1. Nurture relationships
  2. Learn to forgive
  3. Wish others well
  4. Express generosity
  5. Show gratitude
  6. Be open and curious
  7. Live in the present

Source: Ewing, Tony. 7 Science-Based Habits That Will Bring You Greater Happiness in Minutes. Forbes, 20 June 2020

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

June 23, 2020

One way to achieve a sense of calm can be through progressive muscle relaxation, which uses the connection with your body to soothe your mind.

Give it a try:

  1. Pick a body part (e.g., foot, leg, mouth, eyes) and tense it for a few seconds
  2. Release and relax for 10 seconds
  3. Notice how that feels different
  4. Switch to another body part and keep going until you've you're your whole body

Some Good news

June 19, 2020

Although the days can seem especially tough right now, we still find things to make us smile from time to time. We have rounded up a few recent posts that have helped lighten our moods a little with hopes that they will do the same for you today.

Tweet showing two people in inflatable unicorn costumes holding a baby, with a child standing nearby. The tweet explains it's a creative, no-contact way for family members to meet a baby during the COVID-19 pandemic.Tweet from North York General featuring a video of 95-year-old Rosemary being discharged after recovering from COVID-19. The caption highlights her return home to a large and supportive family, including 9 children, 33 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren.Tweet showing a roller coaster filled with oversized teddy bears strapped into the seats. The caption explains that Walibi Holland, a Dutch theme park, tested the roller coaster with teddy bears to ensure safety before reopening after a closure.

Tweet featuring photos of a rescued baby beaver on a towel. The caption explains that Tracy Turner saved the beaver from being stuck in a pool of water on Stony Lake, helping it onto a paddleboard.

OBA Cares

June 18, 2020

In this latest episosde of Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee Angela Swan, Counsel for Aird Berlis, describes how these daily Mindful Moment emails help her remember that there are people out there who care.

Although these times of physical distancing and working from home can be lonely, we want to remind you that the OBA remains a strong and supportive community of lawyers committed to helping one another.

Connect with us and your fellow members through:

  1. Your OBA Section Discussion Boards (visit, sign in, and find the discussion board for your practice area under "Sections")
  2. Our Linkedin group
  3. Our Mentorship program - new lawyers can keep growing their network while experienced lawyers can continue to give back to the profession, even during our collective social distancing efforts.
  4. Our Member-to-Member Director - find a new contact in your practice area, referral pipeline, or community.

Practise self-compassion

June 17, 2020

One of the most important things we can do to live better, happier lives is to practice compassion - both for ourselves and for others. If today isn't going your way, remember that's okay. Be kind to yourself by practising self-compassion. Here are some ways to do that:

  1. Treat yourself as you would a small child, or a dear friend or family member
    Be kind, gentle and understanding with yourself, especially when you are struggling.
  2. Give yourself permission to be imperfect
    Trying to be perfect can be exhausting. Remember that you are enough just as you are.
  3. Make nice plans with yourself
    Rather than spending your time on social media watching other people living their lives, find activities that inspire and challenge you, and make them a priority.
  4. End your day reflecting on the things you did well
    We can spend a lot of our time and energy dwelling on what we didn't accomplish in a day. Instead, spend at least one minute at the end of the day thinking about what you did get done
  5. Give yourself encouragement
    Your inner critic will not help you through the challenges you face. Encourage yourself - be proud of your accomplishments, believe that you can do what you set out to do, open yourself to learning and growing, and be your own best friend.

10 Simple Ways to Take a Break

June 16, 2020

Are you pushing yourself too hard? Maybe you're trying to be productive, maybe you’re trying to prove to yourself - or someone else - that you can do it all, or maybe you're tying to be everything to everyone.

If it's making you feel exhausted, overextended, or overwhelmed, take a break.

An illustrated graphic featuring diverse individuals engaging in various activities surrounding the text 'TPN.' Activities include sitting under a tree, working on a laptop, meditating, making phone calls, walking a dog, and giving presentations. The characters represent inclusivity and a range of professions and lifestyles.

  1. Call a friend
  2. Eat a meal (away from your desk)
  3. Spend time with a pet
  4. Listen to some happy music
  5. Take a couple of deep breaths
  6. Go for a walk
  7. Read 10 pages of a good book
  8. Stand up and stretch
  9. Declutter and organize your workspace
  10. Drink some water

Intention Setting

June 15, 2020

Doing some intention setting exercises can help you start your work with a clear, focused mind.

Before you open up your laptop or start your computer to begin your work, take a few moments to centre yourself.

  1. Think about one thing you want to accomplish
  2. Be clear about you’re trying to achieve
  3. Stay positive

All you really need is just 5-10 minutes to focus on who you are in the moment and where you want to channel your energy. Intention-setting can give you both purpose and motivation and also help bring a positive tone to your day.

What Brings You Joy?

June 11, 2020

Reflecting on what brings you joy is time well spent.

As you head into the weekend, take some time to think about the things that make you smile or laugh.

Consider doing one thing this weekend that your 10-year old self would want to do.

Illustration of a stick figure smiling and jumping

What is Burnout?

June 11, 2020

Burnout is more than simply feeling stressed or overworked. It is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion that forms as a prolonged response to chronic stressors. In fact, the World Health Organization has identified burnout as "a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed."

Here are a few signs and symptoms to look for as well as some strategies for addressing burnout:

Signs of burnout:

  • Low energy/extreme tiredness
  • Feeling incapable
  • Negative attitude toward work
  • Decreased performance
  • Feeling overwhelmed or overworked

Strategies for tackling burnout (while working from home):

  • Evaluate your options
  • Take care of your health (get some exercise, limit alcohol, work on better sleep habit, practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques)
  • Take a few days off/unplug a little
  • Connect with a community or cause that is personally meaningful to you
  • Seek support

Remember, the OBA is a warm and welcoming community of lawyers that can help support you. Reach out to your fellow lawyers for connection, advice, and a little levity through our:

Your Member Assistance Program is also available to support you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Talk to Someone

June 10, 2020

If you're finding it difficult to quiet your mind, and it's impacting your work and/or your health, talk to someone about it.

As a friendly reminder, your Member Assistance Program (MAP) is completely confidential, and you can access them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Working with an expert on mindset and behavioural changes can be helpful to get you back on track.

Call 1-855-403-8922 or visit to register and browse online services.


Picturing a relaxing location, setting or scene can help quiet your mind.

May 9, 2020

Try thinking of a favourite spot that makes you feel calm and happy and put yourself there for a moment. Now engage your senses like you're actually there.

Focus on the details. Can you see the colours? Hear the sounds? Feel the sensations in your body.

Take some deep breaths while you enjoy this happy place in your mind and then return to your work with renewed focus and a sense of calm.

Illustration of a man doing yoga

STOP and Stay on Task

June 8, 2020

When you find your mind racing full-speed or your thoughts start spiraling a bit, stop and change your focus.

Try this simple routine to help make your focus-time more intentional.

Red graphic with the acronym STOP: Stop what you are doing for a moment, Take five big, deep breaths, Observe your experience and how your body feels, and Proceed with your work or next agenda item.

Filling our Cups with Kindness

June 5, 2020

Evidence shows that gratitude and giving are helpful contributors to happiness, and we are all healthier and happier when we live our lives with compassion.

Picture of different coffee mugs with the phrase Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee

In every episode of Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee, we ask our guests to identify a charity that could use a helping hand right now. Please consider giving to one of the charities mentioned, if you can.

Never doubt your abilities

June 4, 2020

Watercolor background in shades of purple and pink with the inspirational text, 'Never doubt your strength, determination, and abilities.'

You are talented. You are skilled. You have a community of lawyers at the OBA who believe in you.

Micropauses and Mini Breaks

June 3, 2020

Taking micropauses or mini breaks are great ways to help manage your stress and reduce feelings of overload.

Here are two strategies that you can use to more consciously incorporate short respites into your day:

Activity 1

Set a timer for yourself to take micropauses and breaks at regularly scheduled times throughout the day. Forty-five second breaks once an hour is recommended. Breathe consciously, stretch, drink water or talk with someone. Notice the shift in your attention and energy.

Activity 2

Set a timer for a scheduled break. When you receive the notification, stop what you’re doing. Let go of thoughts and direct your attention to your breath. Notice your body and relax as you exhale. Ask yourself, "What am I doing in this moment?" and then, if necessary, re-focus your attention to what is important.

Source: OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD Series Technology and Its Distractions with Marla Warner and Jonathan A. Hacohen

Be An Ally

June 2, 2020

Evidence shows that helping others can have a positive effect on your mental health and wellbeing; it reduces stress and can improve your mood, self-esteem and overall happiness.

As the world grapples with the intense effects of racism and prejudice right now, today's Mindful Moment is a reminder that allyship has wellness benefits that help us all. By helping others, by being empathetic, by being mindful of others’ experiences, by checking in on our colleagues and friends, we not only help alleviate the emotional burden of those deeply involved in the daily struggle for equality and inclusion, but we also become better colleagues, friends, and partners in the quest of justice for all.

Our friends at the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers have compiled some excellent resources centred around anti-racism and mental health.

To learn more about how you can become an ally, register for the OBA's free-to-members How to be an Ally By Design program from our Inclusive Leader Series.

A Work From Home Pledge

June 1, 2020

As we start a new week and a new month while still continuing to navigate unusual times, we thought it might be useful to recommit to the things that can help us prioritize and maintain balance in our days.

If you are up for it, take our work from home pledge!

Take a break from technology

May 28, 2020

Here's a short video from the OBA'S Mindful Lawyer CPD Series session on Technology and Its Distractions. It features a quick three-minute meditation break along with a summary of the psychological benefits of practicing mindfulness.

A Reminder from Chief Justice Strathy: "Chance Favours the Prepared Mind"

May 27, 2020

As we all work to cope in these challenging times, we also want to support our students who have worked so hard to graduate from law school this year, the new lawyers who are just starting out amid troubled times and the soon-to-be lawyers who are trying to find their way in a world that even the most experienced lawyers are having trouble navigating.

To help us see a long-term view, to understand that there will be ebbs and flows throughout our careers, and to find opportunity in circumstance, the Honourable George R. Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario, joined us for an episode of Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee and offered the thoughtful reminder that "chance favours the prepared mind."

Thank you, Justice Strathy, for encouraging us all to use our time wisely right now by preparing our bodies and our minds for the uncertainties and changes that we will continue to experience over the course of our long and varied careers.


Simple, positive affirmations

May 26, 2020

In tough times, repeating positive affirmations can be an effective way to help you fight through your stress, stay focused on your goals, and find ways around the issues you are facing. They also facilitate happiness and gratitude. Here are a few very simple affirmations that you can keep handy and use to help you through the days.

5 Simple & Positive Affirmations

  1. I will not sweat the small stuff
  2. I have the skills I need to be successful
  3. Though times are difficult, this too shall pass
  4. I can conquer my challenges
  5. Happiness is a choice, and today I choose happiness based on my own accomplishments and blessings

Take Notice

May 25, 2020

Today, try to notice the present moment. Notice your thoughts and your feelings. Notice all of the things for which you are grateful. Notice the way you talk to yourself. Take notice of yourself and your limits and stay aware of what you need to keep yourself happy and mentally well.

Watercolour background with text Take notice of the world around you.

This or That: The Lawyers' Work from Home Edition

May 22, 2020

Here is a fun little "This or That" game to help you wind down from the week and ease into the weekend. To play along:

  1. Screenshot this image
  2. Mark your answers
  3. Share it on your social media feeds, tag @obalawyers, and we'll repost you!

Have some fun and see how your fellow OBA members are faring in these unusual times!

Graphic presenting a series of choices with 'or' options: Coffee or Tea, Wake up early or Sleep in a bit late, e-Filing or In-person filing, Business attire or Comfy clothes, Zoom chats or Microsoft Teams, In-person signings or Virtual closings, TV on for background noise or Keep the news turned off, Desktop or Laptop, Work from home forever or Give me my office back.

Its World Meditation Day

May 21, 2020

Today is World Meditation Day - a day where people across the globe take an opportunity to press pause, reboot and find peace.

The OBA has the tools to help you disconnect and mark this day. In this episode of Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee, OBA member Ari Kaplan, Principal at Kaplan Law, takes us through a short meditation that will help calm your mind in just five minutes.

To enjoy a longer meditation, access this complimentary guided meditation that we hosted recently for members as part of our award-winning OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD Series.

Get Grounded

May 20, 2020

Grounding is a practice that can help calm your mind by distracting you from what you're experiencing and refocusing on what's happening in the present moment.

By focusing your mind on the present, you can ease your worries and anxieties about the future. Try these simple grounding techniques to help create space from any distressing feelings you may be experiencing:

  • Name three things you see
  • Name three things you smell
  • Name three things you hear
  • Name three things you feel
  • Take three deep breaths

Run Outdoors

May 19, 2020

In our most recent episode of Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee, former Attorney General and Managing Director of the Legal Innovation Zone and Law Practice Program at Ryerson University, Chris Bentley, talks about how running every day and getting outdoors helps him remain upbeat and positive.

If you'd like to try running, here's a simple starter guide to get you going.


Pick up your childhood pastime

May 15, 2020

Colouring is an ideal activity for relaxation. It requires you to focus, but doesn't cause you stress or anxiety. It quiets your mind and can help you unwind after a stressful day at work (it can also give parents a quiet activity to do with their children).

Spend some time this weekend tapping into one of your childhood activities by printing off this colouring page, pulling out your crayons and markers and doing some gentle creative thinking.

Intricate black-and-white mandala-style illustration featuring the scales of justice in the center, surrounded by detailed floral and abstract patterns.

10 Simple Ways to Add Self-Care to Your Day

May 14, 2020

Finding ways to take care of your body and mind are important touchstones for self-care and essential elements to managing stress, staying healthy and building up resiliency.

We know it's not always easy to prioritize self-care, especially right now when we are out of our routines and experiencing so many different emotions.

To help, here are 10 simple ways to incorporate a little self-care into your day:

  1. Read a good book
  2. Take a nap
  3. Go for a bike ride
  4. Declutter your workspace
  5. Have a bubble bath
  6. Stretch
  7. Play some music
  8. Call a friend
  9. Go outside
  10. Take a walk

Do one now, or try one a little later today. Just make sure you take the time to take care of yourself.

Plant Your Roots and Grow

May 12, 2020

With the start of gardening season in Ontario, take a minute to consider the many health benefits of gardening. Among its many advantages, gardening is known to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Encourage healthy eating
  • Keep you grounded and in tune with nature

If you don't have the time and space to manage an outdoor garden given all of the other things you're trying to balance right now, try simply re-growing your vegetables on a windowsill. You'll still get the same benefits.

Woman gardening

Power of Positive Thinking

May 11, 2020

It has been approximately two months since our physical distancing measures began. While coping with the global pandemic has come with its ups and downs, it can help to remind yourself that even though it's taking time, this is still temporary and there will be an end.

Keeping a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations and reduce the harmful effects of stress on your body.

Our most recent episode of Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee features Daniel Bourque, Chair of the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association, who has some good suggestions for actively seeking out the good news stories that exist in today's news cycles.

An Introduction to Mindful Meditation

May 8, 2020

OBA Member Ari Kaplan, a mediator and principal of Kaplan Law in Toronto, has been practicing mindfulness meditation for almost a decade and kindly shared this tip with us.

"Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to our present-moment experiences with openness, curiosity and a willingness to be with what is. Meditation is a practice or technique to train and focus our attention and awareness.

You can meditate mindfully right now by finding a comfortable posture (e.g. sitting upright or standing), quietly paying attention to your breathing, and then gradually notice the ebb and flow of our present sensory experiences and thoughts.

Mindfulness is a quality of attention that we can bring to any moment, with a conscious inward intention, in order to detach from thoughts that occupy us, notice sensations in the body, and how those sensations are derivative of emotion or stress.

Mindful meditation and related exercises can be particularly useful for lawyers to help shift from self-judgment to self-compassion, achieve a sense of mental clarity, stability and emotional calm during times of stress or anxiety, and serve as an antidote to avoidance and reactivity."

Try some mindful meditation 

The Many Benefits of Kindness

May 7, 2020

One of last week's Mindful Moments was a challenge to spread some kindness. Kindness is known to have many positive effects on our mental health, including:

  • Pain relief - performing acts of kindness releases endorphins in the brain, which make you feel better
  • Reducing anxiety and depression – kindness stimulates the production of serotonin, which can have a calming effect and increase happiness
  • Increasing pleasure - kindness elevates levels of dopamine, triggering the pleasure and reward centres in your brain
  • Building social connections – kindness promotes positive human to human interaction

In our latest episode of Lawyers on Zoom Drinking Coffee, hear how OBA Treasurer and Partner at Bennett Jones LLP, Ranjan Agarwal, strives to practice kindness in his work and in his everyday life.

It's Mental Health Week

May 6, 2020

From May 4-10, the Canadian Mental Health Association recognizes Mental Health Week, and they have some great tips and strategies available to help you out, especially during these difficult times.

Banner for CMHA Mental Health Week, May 4-10, 2020, with the slogan '#GetReal' and illustrations of people in a minimalist style. Includes a link to for more information and tools.


May 5, 2020

Today marks a global day of giving and unity through the #GivingTuesdayNow movement. The day is a response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19 and aims to encourage community and non-profit support, citizenship engagement and generosity worldwide.

Recognizing that giving and gratitude are two powerful contributors to happiness, here are some ways you may wish to consider participating in #GivingTuesdayNow:

  • Make a charitable donation to an organization important to you
  • Buy gift cards for a local business, or leave them a positive online review
  • Reach out to a friend, neighbour, family member, or coworker

Understanding Your Productivity Stress/Curve

May 4, 2020

In an OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD Series session on Technology and Its Distractions, Marla Warner and Jonathan A. Hacohen discuss stress:

  • Positive stress occurs when we are challenged by the demands in our lives and believe we have the resources to manage them.
  • Negative stress is the perceived disconnect between the demands in our lives and the resources we have to deal with them.

Your wellbeing requires you to recognize when you feel like you don't have the right resources at hand. Use their guide to better understand your Productivity/Stress Curve.

Learn to acknowledge your early signs and symptoms of strain and stress. Does your behaviour change? Your attitude shift? Or does your body tell you that you have just gone over the edge.

Once you recognize your early symptoms, you can begin countering your stress responses with the right kinds of strategies for you, such as practising mindfulness, setting limits, scheduling time outs, breathing exercises.

Watch the full program and access the course materials.

Spread a little kindness today.

May 1, 2020


Just one small act of kindness can change your mood.

We're willing to bet that kindness can spread just as quickly as the coronavirus.

Have you tried Journaling?

April 30, 2020

Keeping a diary of thoughts and feelings surrounding events in your life is known to be a highly effective form of stress relief.

Given the significant time we're currently experiencing, journaling may be a good activity to pick up. Not only will it document a bit of personal history for you, it may also help with your stress management, process your emotions and give you an opportunity to explore in detail your feelings and thoughts related to the global pandemic.

Journaling can come in many forms. Give any one of these methods a try and, over time, you may develop one more healthy habit to rely on when things get tough.

Gratitude Journal - keep track of the good things in life

Emotional Release Journaling - simply write down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly

Habit Tracker - keep track of the healthy activities you want to keep up

Morning Pages - three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, ideally done first thing in the morning, about anything that crosses your mind

Tap into Gratitude

April 27, 2020

Here's a friendly note from one of the faculty members of the OBA's Mindful Lawyer CPD Series, Milisa Burns, with a reminder that practising gratitude is one way to help make you feel better in these challenging, drawn out times

Image of a letter

Fun Apps For your Weekend

April 24, 2020

As we head into the weekend, we hope to help you have some fun while connecting with your friends and family. We've rounded up a few fun apps that allow you to participate in virtual activities with your loved ones:

Netflix Party

Watch movies with friends who aren't with you in person

View Netflix Party

Marco Polo

Send video messages that friends and family can watch on their own time, rather than scheduling a call or posting content publicly


(Note: The OBA is not endorsing these tools, but rather passing on some useful tips members have shared with us in recent weeks.)

There's Help

April 20, 2020

Dealing with a global pandemic is hard. If you need it, there is help.

Homewood Health's Member Assistance Program is here for you. Reach out for private and secure telephone or online counselling today.


Dance Dance Dance

April 17, 2020

What's your favourite song? Is there one that gets you pumped up? One that reminds you of happier days? Turn it on now. Turn it up loud and dance around your house a little. We are certain you'll feel better afterwards.

One OBAer told us that her best Mindful Moments come when she gets to turn up this song.

Find Your Centre of Balance

April 14, 2020

In this brief excerpt from one of the OBA’s Mindful Lawyer CPD Series programs, Paul Hyman of Brain Fitness International offers some very simple techniques to help you find a centre of balance to keep you calm and peaceful.

You're Doing Great

April 9, 2020

A lot has happened in recent weeks. Think of all of the things that you've dealt with, all that you have accomplished. It may not have always been easy, but you're doing your best. Take some time today to celebrate your ability to keep putting one foot in front of the other and making it through the days.

Illustration of phrase You're doing Great!

Take a Coffee Break (April 2020)

April 1, 2020

Create Happiness

April 7, 2020

One of the OBA's Mental Health Briefs focuses on ways we can create our own happiness. Some of the tips include:

  • Expressing gratitude
  • Practising optimism
  • Perform acts of kindness toward others
  • Savour positive experiences
  • Meditation
  • Taking care of physical and emotional health

Take some time to think about what you can do today to increase the levels of happiness in your life.

Read the original "Creating Happiness" post written by Doron Gold, Staff Clinician with Homewood Health.

Calming Effects of the Ocean

April 6, 2020

Life is like the ocean.  It can be calm or still, and rough or rigid, but in the end, it is always beautiful.

Author Unknown

Mark the Weekend

April 3, 2020

As the days begin to blend into one another, we encourage you will take some time to mark the coming weekend. Even when it seems like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it, a short break to rest and recharge is one of the best ways to regain perspective and increase your productivity.

With physical distancing efforts continuing for the foreseeable future, the OBA's Mindful Moments will begin to take short breaks over the weekends too. You can continue to look for your regular mental health reminders from Monday to Friday. Have a great weekend!

Weekend Loading

Try a little tai chi

April 2, 2020

Have you ever tried Tai Chi? Today's Mindful Moment brings you a brief introduction to the ancient form of exercise known for bringing harmony to the body and mind.

Take this short break from your desk to get yourself grounded, calm yourself down, and give you a little boost in your day.

Take a Coffee Break (March 2020)

March 27, 2020

Take in Some Culture

March 31, 2020

Just because you're working from home and not getting out much doesn't mean you can't take in a bit of art and culture to give your mind a break and gain some fresh perspective. Many museums and art galleries are offering virtual tours.

Take some time this afternoon and see some of your favourite art pieces.

Stop and Smell the Flowers

May 11, 2022

"This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before." - Maya Angelou

Why not take a moment to stop and smell flowers, or at least marvel at them, in all their glory, with this video from the Mindful Moment archives?

A Fun Way to Add Exercise

April 21, 2020

OBA members have been taking part in the OBA's 30-Day Fitness Challenge with exercises and health tips provided by personal trainer Deb Johnson-Crawford. One of the fun ways participants have been adding health and wellness activities into their day is through this creative and health-centred spin on a game of blackjack. Print off this picture and see how many points you can get in a day.

Black Jack Challenge chart with tasks like push-ups, squats, walking, drinking water, and yoga, each tied to playing card values. The goal is to complete tasks to score 21 points.

Have a Coffee Break

April 8, 2020

Laugh A Little

March 28, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic may have upended day-to-day life for everyone, but that doesn’t mean we can't enjoy a little levity from time to time.

We've rounded up a few tweets from lawyers and other professional now trying to make the best of their new work-from-home realities. Take some comfort in knowing you're not the only one trying to adjust to a new reality.

I am not reading Vavilov My Partner is a let's circle back guy at work My Kids think I went to work Ma'am, Leggo my Eggo You'd better be at home

Stand Up!

March 26, 2020

Your daily 2 minute mental health break from the OBA

Did you know the simple act of just standing up increases oxygen flow to the brain by 15%?

Take two minutes right now to stand up, stretch and give your brain a chance to refresh.

Just Breath

March 25, 2020

Our friends at The Working Village shared this with us, and we wanted to pass it on.

Build Resilience

March 24, 2020

During this unprecedented shift in the workplace, we risk feeling disconnected and lonely. OBA Mindful Lawyer series speaker and Productivity Consultant Ann Gomez offers these tips on how to remain connected and highly effective.

  • Set up regular virtual team office hours to allow for the inevitable chatter that teams need to thrive. (This also saves you from an endless stream of email conversations
  • Schedule virtual coffee breaks across your team.
  • Create a team-wide chat to share fun banter throughout the day.
  • Reach out proactively if one of your team members seems quiet and disengaged. Sometimes a simple hello can make all the difference in the world.

Get more tips on elevating morale and fostering resilience in today's climate at the

OBA's Mindful Lawyer Series

Boost Your Immunity

March 22, 2020

In all of the extra planning and changes to routine lately, remember just how important it is to boost your immune system right now. OBA Mindful Lawyer speaker, Dr. Odessa Gill, ND of Aspire Health has shared this handy infographic with reminders about the advantages of probiotics, getting your vitamins, reducing sugar intake, and getting at good nights sleep.

image of article on Immune system

Lighten Your Mood

March 21, 2020

His profile suggests he may spend too much time on Twitter, but we love the funny videos OBA President Colin Stevenson (@stevensonslaw) regularly posts of bears swimming and donkeys eating mints.

Today, take a Mindful Moment today to laugh a little, compliments of your OBA President's twitter feed.

Rosana Zammit video

Enjoy Nature

March 20, 2020

Research shows that just looking at images of nature is enough to experience a mental health boost.



Stay Connected

March 19, 2020

Social distancing and self-isolation don’t mean you have to let go of your connections with friends and colleagues.

Michael Eizenga, Co-Chair, Class Actions Practice Group at Bennett Jones LLP, has been using this opportunity to schedule "Virtual Coffees" with colleagues and contacts. "The connection is virtual but the coffee is real". Exchange pictures of your favourite mug for added humour and a personal touch.

Picture of mug with The Gubbio Project upon it

You can even take some time to expand your connections. Why not use the OBA'S Member-to-Member directory and find someone to contact in your practice area or community. You can exchange best practices, resources and support. The OBA is an inclusive and welcoming community of lawyers - send an email or pick up the phone and call one of your fellow members today.

There are serious problems to solve and the OBA is serious about solving them but we can also offer comfort in community and connection.

Find your Zen this Earth Day

April 22, 2020

In honour of Earth Day, we’re bringing you this outdoor-themed, nature-inspired meditation moment.

In through the nose out through the mouth.

Lets Breath Together

March 17, 2020

Here is your 2:00 pm, two-minute break to help support your health and wellness during the coronavirus pandemic.

The OBA started the conversation about mental health in the legal profession and will continue to keep it going, particularly in light of such anxiety-inducing times. Take this two-minute Mindful Moment, wherever you are, to breathe.

Positive Spin on Things

April 23, 2020