Putting the Work into Networking: New Ways to Connect During and Post-Pandemic

May 30, 2022 | Keagan Davis- Burns, Cunningham Swan Carty Little & Bonham LLP

Pre-pandemic, in-person events and coffee chats, although intimidating for newer lawyers, were a great source of networking. I used these in-person events to network extensively over my articling and first year of practice to the point where I was quite familiar with fellow lawyers in my area of practice and in the city generally. Then, I decided to leave the only city in which I had spent my legal career, for a new area of practice, in a new city, with almost no knowledge of the local bar. The nail in my networking coffin was that this all occurred at the height of the covid-19 pandemic. With everything shut down, I had to think of new ways to introduce myself.

Here are three remote networking avenues that I benefitted from during the pandemic, that can also be used in the post-pandemic world:

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