Your Charter

The Your ChARTer program invites Ontario students to submit a visual, written, or creative piece of work that represents the core principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and what it means to them. In 2021, we were happy to have had the opportunity to join forces with the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), who shared their expertise on the different mediums of art and how we express ourselves using art by way of an educational video.  Those videos are still available below.

Show us your best form of creativity by submitting a piece of your visual, written or media work, to complete this idea:

“What the Charter means to me…”

How does the Charter impact you in your life? What does freedom of peaceful assembly mean to you? Has this meaning changed over time? Use your submission to explore the past, present and future of the Charter or show how the Charter has changed and grown.


The Law Day Committee will evaluate submissions based on content, technical quality, presentation, creativity and integrity. The submissions with the highest scores will be posted on the OBA website for voting by OBA’s 16,000 lawyer members across the province, members will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite submissions. 

Winner Recognition

There will be first, second, and third place recognitions awarded to the top three elementary and top three secondary submissions. The winners will receive award certificates and will have their name and work featured at the OBA’s Conference Centre, and on our website and social media.

For more information on this and other OBA Law Day programs, please contact