In the Canadian government’s latest effort to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030, it has published two consultation papers: one on the creation of labelling rules to enhance the accuracy of recyclability and compostability information on plastic packaging and single-use plastics and the other on the establishment of a federal plastics registry requiring plastic producers to report annually on their plastic contribution to the Canadian economy. Both consultations are open for stakeholder comment and feedback until October 7, 2022.
These consultation papers follow on the heels of Canada’s recent announcement of the timelines for the prohibition of the manufacture, import and sale of six single-use plastic items, which will come into force on December 20, 2022 under the Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations. For more information on this announcement, please read our bulletin Plan for the Ban: Canada Announces Timeline for Single-Use Plastics Prohibition.
This is the sixth bulletin in our “Plan for the Ban” series regarding prohibitions and increased regulation of single-use plastics.[1] This bulletin provides a summary on the two open consultation papers published by the federal government.