Initiatives and Resources


The Committee has been working on a number of projects including:

  1. Information for self-represented Class Members to make submissions at Settlement/Fee Approval motions;
  2. Educational note on the role of Amicus in Settlement/Fee Approval motions;
  3. Educational note on various types of Notice Plans and when it is appropriate for them to be electronic only;
  4. Checklist for class action lawyers commencing proceedings under new CPA;
  5. Follow up Tips Document arising from the 2021 speaker series on multi-jurisdictional class actions;
  6. Recommendations to streamline filing process in multi-jurisdictional class actions;
  7. Amendments to the Best Practices Guide for Class Actions;
  8. Whether ordering mediation should be a tool in the “tool box” for Case Management Judges; and
  9. Ensuring the Class Actions Practice Directions are more widely known.


First annual report

Second annual report

Best practices guide for the case management of class actions in Ontario

Educational note regarding litigation funding approval motions

Follow Up Tips arising from the 2021 speaker series on multi-jurisdictional class actions

Checklist for Class Action Lawyers Commencing Proceedings Under the New CPA 11

Information for Self-Represented Class Members Attending a Class Action Settlement, Distribution and/or Fee Approval Hearing in Ontario

Informational Note: Creating a Notice Plan