OBA Committees
At least three members of Council are appointed annually as a Audit Committee, with general responsibility for reviewing the on-going financial affairs of the OBA.
Compensation & Human Resources
The Compensation & Human Resources Committee acts as an advisory group/sounding board for the Executive Director and Director of Operations on certain personnel issues.
The Finance Committee consists of the Treasurer, three other Directors and up to three members, preferably members of Council.
The Governance Committee was created as resolution of the Executive Committee on September 20, 2007.
Paralegal Regulation
The Paralegal Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Access to Justice Committee.
Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee delivers high-quality, practical, substantive and skills-based programs, directed at relevant levels of practice.
Policy and Public Affairs
The Policy and Public Affairs Committee helps set the overall direction and development of the organization’s public affairs activities and works to support member engagement in advocacy, stakeholder and public service initiatives.
Access to Justice
The Access to Justice Committee promotes improvements to the law and the administration of justice in Ontario. Members consider issues and advise OBA on potential positions or input that can be provided to the public debate.
The Awards Committee was formed in 1988 to honour members of OBA for distinguished service to the public, the profession, jurisprudence and the law in Ontario.
The Equality and Diversity Committee supports the legal profession’s work on equality issues, promotes initiatives to eliminate discrimination and works on resolutions that advance equality and diversity.
Official Languages
The Official Languages Committee promotes PD programming and other OBA initiatives, and advocates for equal access to justice in French within the justice system and the legal community in Ontario.
Law Day
The Law Day Committee leads programs and iniatives in support of Law Day, celebrated annually in April to educate and inform the public about the role, and importance of, the law.
Recognition and Leadership Development
The Recognition and Leadershp Development Committee identifies emerging leaders and facilitates recognition of OBA members for the difference they are making in their communities.
Group Francophone
This is a Sub-Committee to the Official Languages Committee.
Ontario Legal Conference
The Ontario Legal Conference (OLC) Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of the OBA's OLC.
The Investment Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Finance Committee.
The Nominating Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Membership Committee.
Pro Bono
OBA encourages and supports pro bono legal services for the public good through the Pro Bono Committee. We also connect lawyers to opportunities to do pro bono work.
Technology & Practice Innovation Committee
The Technology & Practice Innovation Committee focuses on innovative tools and approaches that improve the provision of legal services in individual practices and across the justice sector.