Make A Will Month Highlights Need for Properly Drafted Wills

November 1, 2022

OBA Members Leading Free Public Information Sessions

November is Make a Will Month, and the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) is once again spearheading a campaign to educate the public about the need for a will and how lawyers can help people draft one properly. Throughout the month, volunteers from the OBA will be leading free information sessions for the public in communities across Ontario.

“Make A Will Month is a perfect example of the great work being done by our members right across the province,” says OBA President Karen Perron. “It’s a service that not only shows the involvement so many of our volunteer lawyers have in their communities, but also showcases the expertise of the OBA and its members, and how valuable this knowledge is for the public.”

Drafting mistakes in wills can lead to ambiguities, problems and costly litigation, even in families where everyone gets along. Digital assets, retirement savings, marital status, and online accounts are just a few things that must be considered. Documents should also be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure wills are up to date.

“Wills have changed over the years, but the importance of having one hasn’t,” says Darren Lund, chair of the OBA’s Trusts and Estates Law Section. “These days, there are more and more factors that people must think about when making a will or updating it. Since wills help provide for loved ones, they need to be drafted in a way that truly reflects a person’s wishes. Lawyers can give people the peace of mind that comes with knowing it has been done right.”

Quick Facts

  • According to the most recent Canadian Financial Capability Survey (2019), only 55% of Canadians have a will. For people under 35, that number drops to only 22%
  • More than half of Canadians 65 and over have updated their wills in the past five years

About the Ontario Bar Association

Established in 1907, the OBA is the largest voluntary legal association in Ontario representing over 16,000 lawyers, judges, law professors and law students. The OBA provides continuing professional development and advocates for improvements to the law in the interests of the profession and public.

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For more information:

Michael Speers
Media & Communications Specialist