As advocates for employers and workers and as neutrals at WSIB and WSIAT, we tend to take workplaces as they are. We litigate, problem solve and resolve disputes with the basic workplace reality taken as a given. But what if we could contribute to strengthening the capacity of the workplace to fully include workers with disabilities? I have had the desire for a very long time to do that. I wanted section members to know about my current project and your opportunity to participate.
The case for change
The rate of unemployment for persons with disabilities is much higher than for Canadians without disabilities. This is a tremendous drag on our economy and has profound negative human impacts. If persons with disabilities were included in the labour market at the same rates of compensation as everyone else, Canada would increase its GDP by 3.2 percent, or $62 billion (from a 2017 study by Emile Tompa et al.
Skilling up employers to accommodate workers with disabilities will also address Canada’s ongoing labour shortage and help reduce the poverty and marginalization of persons with disabilities.
What is Inclusive Design for Employment Access, Social Innovation Laboratory?
Employers in Canada want to improve their capacity to recruit, hire and promote persons with disabilities, but many lack the skills and confidence to do so. The Inclusive Design for Employment Access (IDEA) Social Innovation Laboratory (SIL) aims to strengthen the capacity of Canadian workplaces to fully include workers with disabilities.