My *Legal* Bucket List

April 4, 2023 | Sabrina Clark


It was during my legal studies that I developed this itch to work overseas in law. I’ve always had this deep desire to work overseas. I definitely experienced working abroad in my younger years, and couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting to do it again. It was during my studies with Queen’s Law, while completing the International Law Program, that I heard about the Young Lawyers International Program (YLIP).

What is YLIP?

I was fortunate enough to have been chosen as a Young Lawyers International Program (YLIP) candidate to work for six months with Natural Justice, which is headquartered in South Africa. YLIP is a work experience, aimed at young Canadian law graduates and lawyers. It is funded by Global Affairs Canada, and executed by the Canadian Bar Association. The program has two objectives: first, to facilitate “opportunities for young Canadian law graduates and lawyers to gain effective skills and perspective in relation to the field of justice and development” and to enable “support by young Canadian law graduates and lawyers for the work of overseas organizations in law reform, access to justice, and human rights.”

Being matched with Natural Justice

This program provided me with the unique opportunity to work with Natural Justice, “an organization rooted in the struggles of communities in Africa.” Natural Justice specializes in human rights and environmental law and strives to protect the sacred relationships that Indigenous Peoples have with nature.

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