Making Mistakes

April 20, 2021

Transitioning from articling to being a newly minted lawyer is difficult under normal circumstances. Navigating this transition through COVID-19 with ever-changing statutes, regulations and Notices to the Profession is quite another. As lawyers, we hold ourselves to a certain level of perfection. As such, our clients hold us to this expectation as well. However, we are all still humans and mistakes do happen. So, what do we do when we make mistakes?

  1. Practice Management Helpline

The Practice Management Helpline is extremely friendly and supportive. Upon realizing a mistake has been made, undoubtedly you think of the consequences. As a new lawyer, a Law Society complaint is especially daunting and frightening (I just got my license-please don’t take it away from me yet!). However, the Practice Management Helpline can help walk you through the complaint process and how best to prepare. I was absolutely petrified to call this line and just thinking about it gave me anxiety. However, after making the call I wished I had done it sooner. The person I spoke with had been doing this for 17 years and had heard it all. They were extremely comforting and reassuring, and I recommend them highly to anyone who is struggling.

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