
Wills and Powers of Attorney - Key Considerations

During Make a Will Month, OBA members who specialize in Trusts and Estates Law deliver presentations across Ontario help the public understand the importance of having a will and powers of attorney and how a lawyer can help. Below are some of the considerations they explain in detail during those public information sessions that everyone should take into account when it comes to proper will and power of attorney preparation. 

This summary does not constitute legal advice. It is intended for general information purposes only and under no circumstances can be relied upon for legal decision-making. The information relates only to individuals and estates in Ontario. 

Please consult with a qualified lawyer to seek advice concerning the specifics of your particular situation. 


Powers of Attorney

For Legal Advice in Preparing a Will and/or Powers of Attorney…

For legal advice in preparing a will, please consult a lawyer. To find one in your area, please visit our Find A Lawyer site.

Most lawyers will now meet with you virtually to complete your will, if possible and necessary