Loved ones living with a disability have unique needs throughout their lives. It makes sense to plan ahead.
For instance, do you:
- have a dependent with a disability and who relies on you for their day-to-day care?
- have a plan in place for the care of your dependent with a disability in the event of your death?
- know if the financial and personal care arrangements for your dependent with a disability have been formalized?
A lawyer can help plan for the care of your loved ones.
When you have a loved one living with a disability, you may have already spent years creating a supportive environment for that person, and it makes sense to consider how to maintain that environment when planning for the future.
You may not have thought about what will happen when you are no longer around to provide for your dependent, or not yet put that plan in place through your will. A lawyer can work with you, through your will and perhaps through an estate plan, to:
- create a thoughtful plan for your dependent living with a disability;
- determine how to preserve government benefits received for the benefit of your dependent living with a disability; and,
- structure your estate in a way that will provide a steady stream of income to support your loved one with the help of someone that you trust to take over the role you played in that person’s life.