Disclaimer: As a student, the views in this article represent a combination of my own thoughts, references to the documents presented, and the decisions discussed. Since most of the cases are well known and easily accessible through a quick online search, I have chosen not to include a detailed summary of their facts. Many of the points shared reflect my personal interpretation of what was discussed during the conference. To avoid any misattribution, I’ve intentionally refrained from naming individuals, as these are my perceptions of the conversations that took place. That being said, I don’t claim these ideas as entirely my own. I encourage everyone to watch the full conference recording to fully appreciate the valuable insights and expertise of the speakers.
I recently had the opportunity to attend the OBA’s Annual Charter Conference (now in its 23rd year) for the first time, and there were several discussions that caught my attention. Here are four key highlights that emerged from the multi-session event that I felt would be of interest to students and new lawyers.