What is your year of call? 2010.
What is your practice area? Insurance defence with a focus on professional liability.
What attracts you to this practice area? As LawPro counsel, I get to work on a wide range of files – from real estate deals to medical malpractice cases – and I get to work with lawyers from all over Ontario. I love the variation in this work, and take pride in being able to represent other members of the Bar.
Challenges you have encountered and how have you overcome? I am the first lawyer in my family, and they were deadest against me going to law school. I had no idea what being a lawyer meant, nor did I how to navigate the world of articling, hire-backs, and partnership. I have learned to trust my gut, and made a decision early on to work in a small firm where I could get solid mentorship from senior members of the Bar. This has not failed me.
A fun fact about you? Before I went to law school I obtained a Master’s Degree in Medieval Studies from the University of Edinburgh. I am also a huge Star Trek nerd, and can probably give tell you plot of almost every Next Generation episode.