Get to Know Your Execs in Five Minutes (Or Less) (Part 4)

January 8, 2024 | Alessia Monastero, Bhole IP Law

In this ongoing series, we will profile each of the members of the OBA IP/ IT Law Section Executives to learn about them in five minutes or less. It’s five minutes or less because we know that a lot of you docket in six minute increments! 


Name: Alessia Monastero      

Position: Secretary, OBA IT/IP Law Section

Who is Alessia Monastero?

I am an associate lawyer and trademark agent at Bhole IP Law. My practice includes assisting clients with the protection, enforcement, and licensing of intellectual property rights, with an emphasis on trademarks. I also help clients commercialize their intellectual property by preparing, reviewing and advising on intellectual property and other commercial agreements.

I am a frequent speaker and writer on brand protection issues relating to fashion and design, and am an advisor with The Fashion Zone at the Toronto Metropolitan University.

Why did you choose IT/IP and what would you tell a young lawyer entering the IT/IP field?

I entered law school with a background in business and marketing, and an interest in exploring the intersection between branding and law. I was drawn to the intellectual property courses and clinics throughout law school, which led me to practice in IP and trademark law. My interest in fashion paired well with my studies in IP and branding, and I continue to volunteer with various anti-counterfeiting organizations.

One piece of advice I would give to a young lawyer entering the IT/IP field is to continue making connections with lawyers and leaders in your field of interest – whether this be through organizations or coffee chats, being well connected will welcome new opportunities.

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