
OBA Speakers Bureau

Join the OBA Speakers Bureau to educate and inspire as a trusted voice in your field, sharing your legal expertise within your community and building connections with other local leaders and future clients.

Large group of people listening to a public speaker.

OBA member speaks to an audience about making the importance of working with a lawyer to make a Will.

Popular topics include:

  • Law Affecting Older Adults (capacity concerns, importance of powers of attorney, remedies for financial abuse of seniors – in-demand session during Seniors’ Month in June)
  • Wills, Estates and Powers of Attorney (in-demand session during Make A Will Month in November)
  • Cyber Risk and Privacy Law (digital privacy topics)
  • Generative AI – Legal and Ethical Considerations
  • Family Law (rights when it comes to divorce, custody, support, etc.)
  • Landlord and Tenant Rights
  • Immigration Law (pathways to citizenship)
  • Workplace Rights of Employees (rights and accommodations)
  • Disability Law
  • Real Estate Law (legal considerations around purchasing a home)

Let us know what you’re interested in hearing about, and we will match you with a speaker with expertise in that area.