About the Award
This Award was established to recognize, honour and celebrate the outstanding achievements of Ontario Bar Association members practising in the area of health law in the province of Ontario.
The Award is named for the late Susan Hilary Davidson, in recognition of her excellence and dedication as a lawyer specializing in the practice of health law. Susan was a dedicated member of the Ontario Bar Association throughout her legal career, and a leader of the Health Law Section. She actively served on the OBA Health Law Section executive, holding the offices of Chair, Past Chair and Program Coordinator. She was responsible for introducing many of her health law colleagues to the OBA as well as encouraging them to become Executive Members in the Health Law Section.
Any individual not including current Health Law Section Executive Members and the immediate Past Chair, who is an OBA member in good standing.
Criteria for Selection
This Award recognizes exceptional contributions and achievements by an Ontario Bar Association member practicing in the area of health law, including some or all of the following:
- Outstanding contributions to and membership in the OBA Health Law Section;
- Outstanding legal contributions to the practice of health law;
- Embodiment of the spirit of professionalism, volunteerism and collegiality;
- Outstanding contributions in the development of health law through scholarly and other writing and through public speaking on health law issues;
- Outstanding mentorship contributions to other lawyers through personally sharing knowledge, experience and skills;
- Other exemplary achievements in the area of health law;
- Must be a current member of the OBA.
Nomination Procedure
A nomination requires the signature of one OBA member in good standing. To assist the Committee, each nomination shall be accompanied by the following:
- Completion of the existing online nomination form;
- A CV or other biographical document about the nominee that outlines his/her qualifications and experience in health law;
- A 1-2 page summary or letter from the nominator explaining why the person is being nominated;
- At least 1 and no more than 3 letters of support from individuals other than the nominator.
Deadline for Applications
All nomination materials must be submitted online by Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 5:00pm.
The Committee shall choose the recipient of the Award from the candidates submitted through the Nomination process.
A plaque is presented to the recipient.
The award is usually presented at a designated event, the date of which is to be established on an annual basis.
Selection Process
The award recipient is selected by the award Selection Committee comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair, an additional member of the executive and two past recipients. The selection committee shall consider the nominations submitted and shall consider OBA policies, rules and guidelines on Diversity and Inclusion when selecting the winner of the Award.
The number of awards to be presented annually will not exceed one.