About the Award
The Construction and Infrastructure Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association has established an Award of Excellence ("the Award") to recognize exceptional contributions by individuals both to the law and the construction bar.
Criteria for Selection
- A recipient must be a member of the OBA in good standing, and cannot be a member of the OBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Executive, the Award Selection Committee or the OBA Board of Directors. The Award shall be given to one recipient only each year.
- The following factors, in addition to, the OBA's Universal Minimum Criteria for Section Awards, will be considered in determining the recipient of the Award:
- Excellence in any one or more of the following fields:
- Construction procurement;
- Construction litigation;
- Practice under the Construction Act;
- Adjudication, mediation and arbitration of construction disputes; and
- Drafting of construction contracts and documents.
- Participation in continuing legal education at the OBA, Canadian Bar Association, Law Society of Ontario or other organizations;
- Writing and teaching generally on construction law related issues;
- Mentoring of young lawyers in construction law;
- Participation in law reform initiatives in the construction law area.
The Award Selection Committee should include a sheet containing a description of the criteria with each nomination form so that all are fully aware of the selection criteria. This will also guide the nomination process.
Nomination Process
The right to make nominations should be restricted to OBA members.
Nomination forms should identify the person or persons making the nomination.
Nomination forms should be accompanied by a full written explanation of the reasons for the nomination, which should address the factors delineated in the "Criteria for selection" section noted below.
No consent of the person being nominated is required to make a nomination.
There should be a period of at least 45 days from the day of formal publication of the notice inviting nominations to the date of the closing of nominations. Given the nomination deadline described below, this means that the notice must be given no later than January 14th of the year in which the Award is to be given.
Notice will be given by OBA email to all members of the OBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Section, and can be supplemented with such further notices on the OBA website as the Award Selection Committee deems appropriate.
Each nomination requires the endorsement of two members of the OBA Construction Law Section.
There are no limits on the number of persons anyone can nominate.
Nominations must be received by the Award Selection Committee or the OBA coordinator by no later than March 1st of the year in which the Award may be given.
The notice should refer to a Nomination Form to be used for all nominations. -
Selection Process
- The Award Selection Committee will make the selection of a recipient of the Award. The Award Selection Committee must make its decision no later than March 31st of the year in which the Award is to be given.
- The selected recipient will be presented to the OBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Section Executive ("the Executive") for approval.
- The Selection Committee shall consider OBA policies, rules and guidelines on Diversity and Inclusion when selecting the winner of the Award.
The Award Selection Committee Body
- The nominating and selecting process should each year be managed by a sub-committee of up to 5 members of the Executive chosen each year by the Executive. This sub-committee will be called the Award Selection Committee.
- It is recommended that, in considering the members of the Award Selection Committee, the Executive should be mindful to maintain some continuity with past Award Selection Committees. For instance, it is recommended that at least two members of the Award Selection Committee of the previous year be included.
- The Award presentation will be made at the OBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Section year-end dinner, which usually happens in June.
- The sitting Chair of the Executive will present the Award to the recipient.