About the Award
This award is established to recognize, honour, and celebrate the outstanding achievement of lawyers practising in the province of Ontario in the public interest. The award is named for Mr. Marshall in recognition of his excellence and dedication as a public sector lawyer.
Thomas C. Marshall, K.C. has, during more than thirty years as counsel with the Crown Law Office -Civil, made an exemplary contribution to the public service, to the law and to the profession. As counsel with the civil litigation branch of the provincial Ministry of the Attorney General since 1974, six of these years as Director of the office, Tom Marshall has conducted or supervised much significant litigation on behalf of Ontario including precedent setting cases in the Supreme Court of Canada.
In addition, he is a mentor to numerous students and young lawyers, giving freely of his time and experience to guide them in their work for the province. More seasoned lawyers continue to benefit from his sage advice.
Tom Marshall has also been dedicated to the profession that he has served. As a member of the CBA for many years, Tom represented the rights and interests of lawyers in the private and public sector. He was selected President of the OBA for the 2000-2001 term. During his time as President, he recognized the particular interest of public sector lawyers as well as the need for many private sector lawyers to better understand the public sector role. Tom Marshall founded the Public Sector Lawyers Section of the OBA to help meet this interest.