Association Awards
- David Scott, Q.C. Award for Pro Bono Law
- Joel Kuchar Award for Professionalism and Civility
- Linda Adlam Manning Award
- OBA Distinguished Service Award
- OBA President's Award
- Orlando Da Silva Award for Improvement of Mental Wellbeing in the Justice Sector
- The Heather McArthur Memorial Young Lawyers Award
Section Awards
- OBA Award of Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution
- OBA Civil Litigation Emerging Leader Award
- OBA Lauren D. Rachlin Award for Excellence in International Business Law
- CCCA Ontario Chapter Award of Excellence
- AMS/John Hodgson Award of Excellence in Charity and Not-for-Profit Law
- OBA Award of Excellence in Civil Litigation
- OBA Award for Excellence in Class Actions
- OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice
- OBA Award of Excellence in Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law
- OBA Construction & Infrastructure Law Award of Excellence
- OBA Award for Excellence in Elder Law
- OBA Award for Excellence in Family Law in Memory of James McLeod
- OBA Markus Cohen, Q.C. Memorial Award - Franchise Law
- OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law
- Hoffstein Book Prize
- Rising Star Award for the OBA Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law Section
- OBA Murray Klein Award for Excellence in Insolvency Law
- The Michael MacNaughton Student Writing Award for Insolvency Law
- OBA Award for Excellence in Insurance Law
- OBA Award of Excellence in International Law
- Randall Echlin Award for Excellence in Labour and Employment Law
- The OBA Barnet Kussner Award of Excellence in Municipal Law
- OBA Karen Spector Memorial Award for Excellence in Privacy Law
- OBA Award for Excellence in Pensions & Benefits Law
- OBA Tom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers
- OBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate
- OBA Award for Excellence in Taxation Law
- OBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law
- OBA SAGDA Robert Muir Award for Mentorship
- Sexual and Gender Diversity Alliance Section Student Online Article Competition
- Award of Excellence in the Promotion of Women’s Equality
- Ron Ellis Award for Excellence in Workers' Compensation Law
- The Bastarache Award