If you are interested in joining any of these Committees, please contact the Chair directly.
Corporate Law Committee
Chair: Kim Cunnington-Taylor (
The Corporate Law Committee of the Business Law Section focuses on advocacy, legislative reform, and education. Recent work by the Corporate Law Committee includes submissions to the Ontario government related to the Limited Partnerships Act, review of the Business Corporations Act and other sector-specific Ontario statutes. There have been many legislative changes to deal with the pandemic, ready the Ontario business community for the launch of the new business registry, and modernize Ontario’s business related statutes. If you would like to participate in continuing discussions about proposed legislative amendments, be involved in CPD programming relevant to the business law section, or have issues related to your practice and your clients, consider joining the Corporate Law Committee. The Committee generally meets quarterly, or more often as needed.
Consumer Law Committee
Chair: Daniel Edmondstone (
Do you want a chance to have your say with respect to the Consumer Law bar’s submissions to government on proposed legislative amendments, be involved in CPD programming for your peers, and generally stay ahead of the game in the world of Consumer Law? The Consumer Law Committee of the Business Law Section is focused on matters of interest to those who advise clients with respect to consumer law matters, such as legislative and jurisprudential developments relating to the Consumer Protection Act and other, sector-specific, Ontario statutes. Also, the Committee is concerned with federal law of a similar nature, including certain aspects of the Competition Act. The Committee meets quarterly.
International Business Law Committee
Chair: Lauren Dalton (
The Ontario Bar Association (OBA) International Business Law Steering Committee was created to promote legal training and expertise in the area of international business law. It also creates opportunities for international networking. The Committee also focuses on outreach to other professional organizations as well as other OBA sections by providing, among other things, international business law content and/or speakers for events, conferences, seminars or workshops. The Committee is distinguishable from the International Law section of the OBA in that the Committee focuses on international business law (as opposed to public law).
Securities Law Committee
Chair: Monique Rabideau (
With the reports completed by the Capital Markets Modernization Task Force, the CSA’s burden reduction initiatives and the work on the proposed CCMR system still ongoing there are significant changes to securities regulations on the horizon. The OBA’s Securities Law Committee of the Business Law Section is monitoring these, seeking to canvas views of securities lawyers and potentially making submissions when warranted. If you would like to be involved in this process, develop CPD programming for your peers, and keep up to date on changes in this area of practice please consider joining this committee.