Featured Member: Hank White

January 20, 2022 | Hank White

  1. Tell us about yourself! (Current occupation, family, pets, where you reside, etc.)

I have been a senior lawyer editor for Practical Law Canada's Finance service since 2015. Outside of work, I am married to my law school sweetheart and together we have three teenage children and two dogs.

  1. How long have you been involved with the OBA? Why did you join?

I've been a member of the Business Law Section for over 20 years. Out of a desire to become more involved in CPD programming and committee work, I ran for a position on the Section Executive in 2016 and served as chair of the section in 2019-2020. 

  1. What has been your most valuable experience as part of the OBA Business Law Section?

It has definitely been the opportunity to meet, work with and learn from lawyers across a wide range of business law practices.


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