1. Tell us about yourself! (Current occupation, family, pets, where you reside, etc.)
I am a dual-qualified lawyer (India and Ontario, Canada). I started my legal journey in 2008 and have worked as in-house counsel for approximately 13 years now. I am currently the General Counsel of a Toronto based learning and development company called Box of Crayons, Inc. We are an interesting bunch! Look us up at www.boxofcrayons.com.
In-house legal work intrigues me and fuels my business acumen. Being more of a business-oriented person than a legal person, this has allowed me to navigate all different kinds of people from all different walks of life in the most amicable manner possible. I learned patience and empathy as an in-house lawyer and look forward to doing more meaningful work in the coming years.
I have lived in Canada for the last three years. Currently, I live in Oakville, Ontario with my spouse and my five-year-old son, with one more baby on the way this spring. I am grateful for where I am, personally and professionally. I intend to work closely with non-profit groups to help internationally trained lawyers, like myself, in whatever small way possible. As for hobbies, I am a professionally trained Indian classical dancer and love to cook all things Indian.
2. How long have you been involved with the OBA? Why did you join?
I have been a member of the OBA since I started my licensing process here in Ontario in the fall of 2018. I joined the OBA to expand my network here in Ontario, and to acquire and share as much legal knowledge as possible. I was surprised by the high level of commitment and enthusiasm with which OBA members have moved this profession forward through section work and CPD programs which motivated me to join in.