The Q3 2021 quarterly round-up of important developments in the Ontario energy sector.
Below were some of the key regulatory happenings between July and September.
Ontario Energy Board
The OEB’s modernization efforts continue. The OEB:
- made amendments to its Rules of Practice and Procedure related to Motions to Review,
- proposed some changes to the Practice Direction on Confidential Filings,
- formed its new Adjudicative Modernization Committee (our own Mark Rubenstein is a member), and
- held its first Policy Day.
The OEB also issued some significant decisions. During the past three months it:
- created a first generation Integrated Resource Planning Framework for Enbridge Gas establishing specific requirements for when and how Enbridge will consider non-pipe alternatives to address system needs,
- approved a substantial Settlement Proposal in Ontario Power Generation’s 2022-2026 Payment Amounts application,
- released a decision regarding the applicability of Federal Carbon Charge Pricing Program to Enbridge Gas’ Indigenous customers, and
- approved the first revenue requirement for the new Wataynikaneyap Power LP’s transmission line.
It released for comments an OEB Staff Discussion Paper on updating the CDM Guidelines for Electricity Distributors, and a proposal to amend the Distribution System Code to facilitate connection of DERs.
The OEB accepted Assurances of Voluntary Compliance with two different entities regarding operating in the wholesale market without a license, one entity related issuing individual bills to customers with a being a licenses sub-metered, and Enbridge Gas regarding disconnection-related practices,
The Market Surveillance Panel also issued its semi-annual monitoring report.