Corporations Information Act (Ontario): Corporate Annual Return Filing Changes

June 21, 2021 | Kimberley A. Cunnington-Taylor, B. Soc. Sc., LL.B., barrister, solicitor, notary public

If you are a business, not-for-profit, or charitable corporation incorporated in Ontario, or a foreign business corporation required to report Ontario income taxes, then you are required to file a corporate annual return under the rules of the Corporations Information Act (Ontario).

Canada Revenue Agency no longer collecting Ontario annual return information

For over 20 years Canada Revenue Agency has collected the information required in the corporate annual return on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and forwarded that information to the Ontario Ministry for processing (for Ontario business and not-for-profit corporations through Schedule 546, for foreign business corporations through Schedule 547, and for Ontario charities, through Form RC232).

The situation has now changed. Ontario business and not-for-profit corporations, foreign business corporations and Ontario charities still have to file their Ontario corporate annual returns. But now, these corporate annual returns must be filed directly with the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. Canada Revenue Agency stopped collecting this annual return information as of May 15, 2021 and the schedules or form, as applicable, are no longer available for download on Canada Revenue Agency’s website.

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