Brown Bag Lunch – October 17, 2023

December 12, 2023 | Rebecca Kennedy, Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP

The first Brown Bag Lunch of the 2023-2024 term was held on October 17, 2023. After taking a break over the summer months, OBA members were eager to gather once again for an always interesting practice discussion.

This month’s meeting started off with some attendees sharing continued hiccups in obtaining the new electronic certificates of appointment of estate trustee from the court. It seems that when there is turnover, new staff may not be familiar with the process for issuing electronic certificates. Occasionally counsel may receive a scanned copy of a physical certificate, rather than a true electronic certificate. In some BBLers’ experience though, with some follow-ups, they are usually able to eventually obtain the electronic certificate that is needed.

Next, one participant raised some issues and inconsistencies with the probate forms found online or generated through various software programs (ACL, Estateably, etc.). In this particular instance, several of the software programs had the most recent version of the forms, but the government website did not have the most current version. This could cause some confusion. Until the issue is rectified, OBA members may wish to double check whether the form they are working with contains all updates.

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