On November 29, 2022 the Ontario Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Section presented the 2022 Ron Ellis Award to Brendan McCutchen, a partner at Wright Henry LLP.
The Ron Ellis Award is presented to an OBA member in good standing who has demonstrated exceptional contributions and achievements in the field of workers’ compensation law. At the November 29, 2022 ceremony, colleagues of Brendan’s described his long commitment to worker advocacy and worker rights in Ontario. A highlight of the evening was hearing from Jan Morningstar, who was represented by Brendan in her successful application for judicial review of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal’s Decision Nos. 1227/19 and 1227/19R. Ms. Morningstar noted the important role Brendan played in supporting her throughout the judicial review process, representing her interests, and advocating on her behalf.
OBA members are encouraged to nominate colleagues who have made exceptional contributions or demonstrated achievements in the field of workers’ compensation law. To nominate a colleague for the Ron Ellis Award, nominators are asked to send in a written nomination with a curriculum vitae outlining the candidate’s qualifications. The nominator should indicate that the candidate has been advised of the nomination prior to the nomination deadline and consents to the nomination.