
Supplier Code of Conduct

The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) is proud to advocate for inclusive and welcoming professional networking and work environments for its members, employees, volunteers, clients, and partners. The OBA seeks to promote principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in its activities. In achieving those goals, the OBA seeks to ensure that all who attend, participate in or otherwise come into contact with OBA activities, products, and services will find themselves in inclusive and accommodating environments. The OBA expects and requires that suppliers, in the course of providing goods or services to the OBA, will respect the dignity and diversity* of all people regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability. Further, it is expected that suppliers, and their employees, representatives, and agents, will conduct themselves both generally and specifically in the course of the provision of their goods or services to the OBA in a manner that is consistent with the OBA’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Suppliers may be asked to provide the OBA with information concerning their policies, practices, and past conduct in this regard. The OBA may terminate its relationship with suppliers who do not meet the OBA’s expectations with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the course of providing their goods or services to the OBA or that fail to comply with applicable laws regarding diversity, human rights, anti-harassment and/or non-discrimination. The OBA may work with suppliers to meet the OBA's expectations.

* The Ontario Bar Association (as a Branch of the Canadian Bar Association) has defined diversity as “the inclusion of members from a variety of backgrounds, with particular attention to representation in the Association of members from equality-seeking groups, including but not limited to women, LGBTI2S (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and two-spirit) communities, Indigenous peoples, racialized and ethno-cultural groups, and persons with disabilities. Diversity is to be interpreted consistent with the evolving nature of equality issues.”