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Build as You Go – and Four Other things you Should Know Before Opening Your Firm
Emily Sinkins | December 11, 2023
No firm is the same, but there are common keys to establishing a successful enterprise uniquely yours while building a solid reputation and stepping up client service. Sparing would-be sole and small-firm practitioners potential missteps or missed opportunities, OBA panelists (at a program co-presented by the Law Practice Management and Sole/Small Firm/General Practice sections) from a variety of practice areas shared what they wish they'd known before setting out on their own.
Learn moreGetting Started on Investing in Tech for your Firm: Use these 5 questions to guide you
Juda Strawczynski | November 07, 2022
The law changes, and so do the tools and technologies we use to provide legal services. This article addresses the key concerns that lawyers, paralegals and legal professionals should consider when investing in new technology.
Learn moreWhat to do if Money is Diverted to a Fraudster’s Account?
Raymond G. Leclair | November 07, 2022
Wire fraud targeting lawyers is a prevalent issue in the legal profession. Lawyers may only realize they have been duped into wiring money to a fraudster after the funds have already left their account. Here are some steps that can be taken to reduce the potential losses and risk associated with these attacks.
Learn more5 Ways to Increase Efficiency In Your Law Firm
For many lawyers, time is everything. But time is hard to manage, particularly when you are busy dealing with a slew of phone calls, emails, invoices and document preparation, which, unfortunately, are not typically billable. In this article, I’ll be taking a look at 5 unique ways to manage your growth and expand your law firm while being cost effective and without, in fact, expanding the number of people working in your law firm.
Learn moreThe Litigator and Mental Health – a Must Read Article by Chief Justice Strathy of Ontario
Heather S. Douglas, B.A., J.D., LL.M. | July 11, 2022
In “The Litigator and Mental Health“, Chief Justice Strathy writes about mental health in our profession and what we can do to improve it. Unfortunately, practicing law can be damaging to one’s mental health. In fact, there is a strong correlation between traditional markers of success in the law and depression in lawyers.
Learn moreHiring Associates in a Depleted Pipeline
Deborah Glatter | April 22, 2022
Deborah Glatter outlines factors that have led to the current dearth of mid-level and senior associates available for hire in law firms and offers suggestions for firms hiring in a depleted pipeline, including expanding your pool, changing your interview approach and identifying your candidates' 'must haves'.
Learn moreHelpful Tips for Getting Through The Work Day
Heather S. Douglas, B.A., J.D., LL.M. | December 21, 2021
With COVID fatigue setting in, motivation to complete work may be in short supply. The Harvard Business Review recently released an article titled “Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Get through the Workday," in which author Alice Boyes offers the following tips for beating the blues and carrying on with work.
Learn moreHeather S. Douglas, B.A., J.D., LL.M. | December 21, 2021
In the Harvard Business Review "10 Must Reads: On Emotional Intelligence", Daniel Goleman writes about what makes a good leader. He concludes that there are three crucial ingredients: technical skill, IQ, and emotional intelligence.
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