A Letter from the Chair

October 13, 2023 | Grant Buchan-Terrell

Hello Members of the OBA Solo & Small Firm Section! I’m Grant Buchan-Terrell, the incoming Chair for the 23-24 year.

Let’s get right to it – these are my personal priorities for the Section this year:

  1. Maintain and, if possible, increase the number of Section Members, the activity level and the practical value of the Section.
  2. Consider and, if feasible, implement mentorship for Members just starting their solo or small firm experience.
  3. Continue attention to the succession issue raised by LSO to have an influence in the measure adopted by LSO.
  4. Increase participation at the Executive of the CBA S&SF Section; see if there are some synergies there, to use a cliched term.
  5. Promote S&SF generally (including thru LinkedIn and FB) for the betterment of solo and small firm lawyers.
  6. Advocate with LSO, OBA and CBA to ensure our voice is heard, notwithstanding the creeping takeover of such organizations by lawyers in big law firms and institutions.
  7. Try to increase participation from the Manitoba border to Hudson Bay to the Quebec and Michigan borders of Ontario so that this Section is not just a Toronto thing,

all in a collegial, even fun atmosphere. Do you agree with these priorities? Any suggestions?

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