Hello Members of the OBA Solo & Small Firm Section! I’m Grant Buchan-Terrell, the incoming Chair for the 23-24 year.
Let’s get right to it – these are my personal priorities for the Section this year:
- Maintain and, if possible, increase the number of Section Members, the activity level and the practical value of the Section.
- Consider and, if feasible, implement mentorship for Members just starting their solo or small firm experience.
- Continue attention to the succession issue raised by LSO to have an influence in the measure adopted by LSO.
- Increase participation at the Executive of the CBA S&SF Section; see if there are some synergies there, to use a cliched term.
- Promote S&SF generally (including thru LinkedIn and FB) for the betterment of solo and small firm lawyers.
- Advocate with LSO, OBA and CBA to ensure our voice is heard, notwithstanding the creeping takeover of such organizations by lawyers in big law firms and institutions.
- Try to increase participation from the Manitoba border to Hudson Bay to the Quebec and Michigan borders of Ontario so that this Section is not just a Toronto thing,
all in a collegial, even fun atmosphere. Do you agree with these priorities? Any suggestions?