
About Articles The following articles are published by the Trusts and Estates Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. 

Editor: Hilary Van de Kamer


Case Comment: Cameron (Re) (2011) 108 O.R. (3d) 117

  • April 01, 2013
  • Vince De Angelis

Is a spouse’s acquisition of her late spouse’s interest in their jointly owned matrimonial home by way of survivorship a “transfer at undervalue” that can be set aside under s. 96 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act?

Case Comment: Carrigan v. Carrigan Estate

  • January 01, 2013
  • Erin C. Cowling

On October 31, 2012 the Ontario Court of Appeal released its decision in Carrigan v. Carrigan Estate, which will have an impact on who may be entitled to pension death benefits under the Pension Benefits Act.