
In Case You Missed It: Updates to Ontario Probate Application Forms

October 10, 2023 | Lori Isaj and Sanaya Mistry, WeirFoulds LLP

As we find ourselves well into the Fall season, we thought it important to remind estate practitioners that the warm and long summer days also brought some important changes to the Ontario court forms for applications for appointment of estate trustee (commonly referred to as probate applications) under the Rules of Civil Procedure. On July 6, 2023, O. Reg. 188/23 changed the following forms:

  • Form 74A - Application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee;
  • Form 74.1A - Application for Small Estates Certificate; and
  • Form 74J - Application for Certificate or Confirmation of Appointment.

The court will accept for filing the new versions as of July 6, 2023. The older versions of the forms can be filed until November 3, 2023. The February 1, 2022, versions of the revised forms will not be accepted for filing on or after November 4, 2023.

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