OBA members met for the Trusts and Estates Section’s monthly Brown Bag Lunch on May 17, 2022. As usual, BBLers had a number of interesting topics to raise, and shared helpful input.
The BBL began with an announcement about the OBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates, which was to be presented to Ian Hull on June 13, 2022. The presentation has since taken place, and it was wonderful to honour Ian Hull in person and to see so many of our colleagues after so long.
One attendee shared with the group a recent Ontario decision about pour-over Wills, Vilenski v Weinrib-Wolfman, 2022 ONSC 2116. The Court followed the BC line of cases on this subject which have generally not found pour-over Wills to be valid. It was suggested that any participants who have drafted pour-over Wills in the past may wish to pull them out and consider how to deal with them in light of this recent decision.