Brown Bag Lunch - December 21, 2021

  • 28 février 2022
  • Rebecca Kennedy, Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP, Raphael Leitz, articling student, Hull & Hull LLP

OBA members gathered virtually on December 21, 2021 for the final Brown Bag Lunch meeting of the year. The meeting opened with an announcement concerning the changes to the probate application forms in Ontario and a reminder that the OBA would be running a program to discuss the recent changes to estates rules and related court forms.

A participant opened the discussion with a question intersecting real estate and estate law. Participants discussed a sale of real property by an estate, where one co-executor is a non-resident, and the necessity of a holdback. BBLers considered the residence of a trust, and how it will be determined—by the location of the controlling mind, or where the decisions are being made?