
About Articles The articles below are published by the Taxation Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Darren Joblonkay


A Review of Litigation Principles

  • September 19, 2014
  • Greg DelBigio

The importance of controlling the litigation process and making the right decisions at the outset of every case.

Taxation Law

Section 56.4 and the Sale of Shares

  • June 17, 2014
  • Joshua Harnett

The author discusses the application of the new restrictive covenant rules in section 56.4 of the Income Tax Act in the context of the sale of a business.

Taxation Law

TCC Upholds Penalties: Novel Arguments Fail to Save the Day

  • April 14, 2014
  • John A. Sorensen

In a recent case on gross negligence penalties, Morton v. The Queen, the Tax Court of Canada took a common sense approach to a taxpayer's technical legal arguments with regard to his abusive behaviour.

Taxation Law

A Recap of the New Restrictive Covenant Rules

  • April 14, 2014
  • Andrea Tratnik

The new rules on restrictive covenants, after a decade of discussion, have been law for less than a year. This article discusses operation of the rules and some potential issues.

Taxation Law