Articles 2025


Cannabis and Waste: Another “Green” Opportunity

  • 15 décembre 2020
  • Holly Sherlock, Talia Gordner and Ralph Cuervo-Lorens

While the rapid growth of the cannabis industry in Canada has created new and exciting opportunities, this breakneck pace raises questions regarding the management of cannabis-related waste. Despite the general emphasis of regulators on the importance of proper waste management, there is little guidance from either the federal or the provincial governments on this issue specific to the cannabis industry.

Droit de l’environnement, Student Forum
Oksana Romanov

What a Career in ADR Offers: An Interview with Mitchell Rose

  • 14 décembre 2020
  • Oksana Romanov

On November 24, 2020, I had an opportunity to interview Mitchell Rose, chartered mediator, settlement counsel, arbitrator, and principal of Rose Dispute Resolution and Mitchell Rose Law. Mitchell is also the chair of the OBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Section. This interview provides valuable insights into Alternative Dispute Resolution for law students and emerging opportunities for new lawyers.

Student Forum

Survey: The LGBTQ2A Action Plan

  • 14 décembre 2020
  • Erfan Bhuyian

The Government of Canada has prepared a survey to gather information on lived experiences of LGBTQ2+ community members. We invite community members to take part in this important initiative by filling out the survey.

Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (November 30-December 4, 2020)

  • 09 décembre 2020
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are our summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario. In Zoutman v Graham, the appellant’s delay of over 6 months in bringing an anti-SLAPP motion was fatal, as it subverted the intent & purpose of s.137.1 of the CJA, and where a defendant denies making the defamatory statements, an anti-SLAPP motion is unavailable. Other topics were rescission due to misrepresentation in a real estate contract, jurisdiction in the labour law context, and stay pending appeal.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Interview With An Anishinaabekwe Lawyer

  • 09 décembre 2020
  • Naomi Sayers

Naomi Sayers, an Anishinaabekwe Lawyer herself, interviews Janine Seymour, an Anishinaabekwe from Wauzhushk Onigum Nation, located approximately five kilometres from the City of Kenora. Naomi wants to learn more about Indigenous legal practitioners throughout Ontario and chose to interview Janine after interacting with her on Twitter. Janine talks about her experiences in law school to now practicing law in northern Ontario!

Droit autochtone, Student Forum
Minding your Non-resident Co-owner: Avoiding the paragraph 116(5)(c) 25% purchaser withholding tax

Minding your Non-resident Co-owner: Avoiding the paragraph 116(5)(c) 25% purchaser withholding tax

  • 08 décembre 2020
  • Boris Stanislav, associate, and Milosz Zak, associate, Farber Tax Law

Disposing of “taxable Canadian property” as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act by a non-resident can be complicated and potentially subject to Canada Revenue Agency penalties. Moreover, disposing of a fractional interest in property while being a non-resident, with Canadian resident co-owners may be even more so.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Minister’s Zoning Orders Come to the Fore in a Pandemic

  • 07 décembre 2020
  • Lee English, Katie Butler, Pitman Patterson, and Edmund Un (student planner), BLG

Minister's Zoning Orders are on the rise in 2020. Learn more about why this is the case and their impact.

Droit municipal, Student Forum
SOGIC logo with Rainbow on O. Man looking through binoculars

SOGIC : célébrer l’histoire et fixer de nouveaux objectifs

  • 07 décembre 2020
  • Teddy Weinstein

Les meneurs de la SOGIC nous parlent des occasions que cette collectivité dynamique offre aux avocats et anticipent l’incidence future de la section sur la profession et les progrès vers l’atteinte de l’égalité.

Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum
Mistakes, Missteps and Mess-Ups: Why We Need to Have an Honest Conversation

Mistakes, Missteps and Mess-Ups: Why We Need to Have an Honest Conversation

  • 05 décembre 2020
  • Yadesha Satheaswaran

We all know that mistakes are common. They are an inevitable part of the human existence. So why have I increasingly come to feel like mistakes are incompatible with the legal profession? In my opinion, this distorted perception of mistakes stems from the nature of legal work and the personalities of people within the profession. 

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division