Articles 2025

Construction Project Owners: New Sources of Legal Risk under Ontario’s OHSA

Construction Project Owners: New Sources of Legal Risk under Ontario’s OHSA

  • 18 mai 2021
  • Sahil Shoor, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP

In this article, Sahil Shoor provides a detailed breakdown of the Court of Appeal’s decision in Ontario (Labour) v Sudbury (City), which may significantly increase the risk of legal exposure for an owner of a construction project.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Court of Appeal Summaries (May 10-14, 2021)

  • 18 mai 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are this week’s summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of May 10, 2021.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Canada Christian College and Charles McVety: SOGIC's Perspective

  • 18 mai 2021
  • Julie DeWolf, Jessie Gomberg, Adrian Ishak, Eric Sadvari, and Daniel Vollmer

Canada Christian College, by virtue of Bill 213, was granted University status on December 8, 2020. SOGIC publicly condemns any institution that discriminates against members of the 2SLGBTQA+ community.

Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum
Getting to an Agreement

Getting to an Agreement

  • 14 mai 2021
  • Stuart Rudner

Video mediation has become bigger than ever since 2020, but there are still impasses between parties that can prevent a deal. In a two-part article, starting with the benefits of video mediation and continuing with ways to adapt traditional settlement strategies, Stuart Rudner provides a step-by-step guide for reaching a virtual settlement.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum

Views from the COVID Bomb Shelter – A Statistical Analysis

  • 14 mai 2021
  • Vance Cooper, Jonathan T. Cooper, Logan Cooper

Vance Cooper, with contributions from Jonathan T. Cooper and Logan Cooper, explains the trajectory of a mediation boutique during these COVID-afflicted times. Using a quantitative survey, this article shows the change in settlement rates from March 2020 until the present time.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum

Third-Party Funding and Ethical Considerations for ADR Providers

  • 14 mai 2021
  • Athanasios Papadas

With the rise of third-party funding in Canada, ethical issues have arisen involving the disclosure of third-party funders in ADR processes. This article takes a global perspective, looking at how international and comparative statutes may influence Canadian law. Then the article argues for more wide-reaching disclosure so add transparency to ADR processes in Canada.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum

Case Management Arbitration: An Efficient Solution to COVID-19 Backlogs

  • 14 mai 2021
  • Megan Keenberg

COVID-19-related court backlogs and closures have caused commercial litigation to take longer. Case management arbitration allows parties to craft a process to resolving their disputes in a timely, expedient manner.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum

Notes from the Judges Dinner

  • 12 mai 2021
  • Laura Cardiff, newsletter editor

On Thursday, April 8, members of the estates bar gathered for the annual OBA “Evening with Your Honourable Estates List Judges,” held as a Zoom webinar this year. Despite the changed format, the event remained a valuable means for attendees to hear directly from judges about matters unique to the estates list. Members who were unable to attend can refer to this summary of some of the information provided.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions