Articles 2025

Neha Chugh

How Lawyers Can Learn From Failure

  • 27 octobre 2021
  • Neha Chugh, Chugh Law

As great as it can be to celebrate success, Neha Chugh has an important message about the importance of learning from failure. Lawyers don’t often talk about our failures. But sharing our stories of failure will authenticate lawyers, remind us of our humanity, and allow for learning and growth.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Enlisting the Court's Gatekeeping Function: Threshold Motions in Will Challenges

  • 26 octobre 2021
  • Jenny Bogod and Christina Canestraro, lawyers at Rosen Sack LLP

Recent case law in Ontario illustrates how the Courts exercise their gatekeeping function to ensure litigants in Will challenges meet a minimum evidentiary threshold. These cases provide important guidance for counsel and parties preparing for similar threshold motions.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Pinon v Ottawa (City) – Strategically framed pleadings and preferable procedure

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Jonathan Bradford, McKenzie Lake Lawyers

Plaintiffs generally have great flexibility in how they choose to frame their causes of action without court interference. If a plaintiff chooses to structure their litigation in an unconventional manner, they alone bear the risk of an unfavourable outcome. However, as recently confirmed by the Divisional Court in Pinon v Ottawa, in the context of a class action it is appropriate for the court to consider how pleadings are framed when deciding the preferable procedure criterion under the CPA.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

First Decision to Interpret and Apply s. 4.1 of the new CPA - Court in Dufault v. TD Confirms Sequencing Pre-Certification Motions is Now a Presumptive Right

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Christine Lonsdale, Adam Ship, Adriana Forest, McCarthy Tetrault

Justice Belobaba released the first decision to interpret and apply s. 4.1 of the CPA in Dufault v TD Bank, making clear that defendants now have a presumptive right to have a potentially dispositive motion, or a motion that may narrow the issues or evidence in a proposed class proceeding, heard before certification.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

9 Questions Between Generations

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Jennifer O'Dell

In this series, we ask one seasoned litigator and one litigator just starting out the same questions. We often forget that many of our colleagues are coming from different perspectives when approaching a file, a client, or an intra-office interaction. We hope these questions and answers will help illuminate how lawyers, both senior and junior, navigate the practice of health law.

Droit relatif à la santé, Student Forum

Ontario Court Rules on Decade-Long Property and Membership Dispute

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Esther S.J. Oh

After a lengthy and complicated dispute between members of the Hamilton branch of the Royal Yugoslav Army Combatants’ Association in Canada-Draza Mihailovic (the “RYACA”), the Ontario Superior Court of Justice released its September 1, 2021 decision concerning membership and decision-making rights concerning property owned by RYACA in Varjacic et al. v Radoja et al.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Student Forum

Ethical Challenges in Public Law

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Robin Bates

The article summarizes the Public Sector Lawyers Section session on Ethical Challenges in Public Law, which took place in June 2021, and featured Professor Elizabeth Sanderson.

Avocats du secteur public, Student Forum

Tom Marshall Award - June 2021

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Robin Bates

The article discusses the presentation of the Tom Marshall award in June 2021 to Paul Dubé, current Ombudsman of Ontario.

Avocats du secteur public, Student Forum