Articles 2025


The Aphria Decision: The Ragoonanan Rule Lives on in Ontario

  • 30 octobre 2021
  • Anthony O'Brien, Siskinds LLP

The Ragoonanan rule has been a fixture of Ontario class action law for approximately 20 years, yet it remains controversial. Does the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Marcotte mean that the Ragoonanan rule is no longer good law in Ontario? That is an issue that had been afforded judicial notice, but never addressed head-on until the recent decision of Justice Perell in Aphria.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Diversity among Directors and Executives in Canada’s Real Estate Industry

  • 30 octobre 2021
  • Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

This article provides an insightful analysis of diversity and inclusion within Canada's commercial real estate industry. It provides a breakdown of the number and percentages of women directors and executive officers within the real estate sector, outlines familiar obstacles women and visible minorities often face at the corporate level, and sets out some best practices sector leaders have undertaken to remove systemic barriers for women and minorities.

Droit immobilier, Student Forum

Limitation Periods and Construction Invoices: 1838120 Ontario Inc. v. Township of East Zorra-Tavistock

  • 28 octobre 2021
  • Jackie van Leeuwen, associate at Glaholt Bowles LLP

Anyone who has provided services or materials in the construction industry has likely run into the issue of non-payment of their invoices. But how do you determine when the limitation period begins to run for an unpaid invoice, and in turn, the deadline for when a lawsuit must be commenced? The recent case of 1838120 Ontario Inc. v. Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, 2021 ONSC 3341, is of assistance in answering these questions.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum

Breach of Trust in Ontario Construction Projects and the Timeline to Pay

  • 28 octobre 2021
  • Ivan Merrow

In the recent case Clearwater Structures v. 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction, 2021 ONSC 5601 (CanLII), the court suggests that in addition to obligations to segregate and hold funds for trust beneficiaries in the Act, there may also be circumstances where there is an implied obligation to pay those trust funds in a timely fashion.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum
Inna Koldorf, Miller Thomson LLP

Ontario Court Upholds Just Cause Termination Provision

  • 28 octobre 2021
  • Inna Koldorf, Miller Thomson LLP

In a recent decision, the Ontario Superior Court rejected a Plaintiff’s argument that the entire termination scheme in an employment agreement was unenforceable because the agreement contained a “just cause” provision. Relying on contract law principles, the Court distinguished Waksdale v. Swegon North America Inc. and reminded employment lawyers that every case should be considered on its own facts.

Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Student Forum

Fair Compensation or Unjustified Temptation to Compromise?: An Empirical Review of Requests for Honorarium Awards in Canadian Class Actions

  • 27 octobre 2021
  • Marie Ong, articling student at Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP, 2021 Winner of Harvey T Strosberg Essay Competition

The recent trend of increasing resistance to honorarium awards is unfortunate because it may result in another barrier in terms of promoting access to justice. While there is no guarantee of honorarium awards in the current regime, making honorariums more rare may mean that potential plaintiffs will be less willing to assume the role of representative plaintiff if they will not be compensated for their time and effort and could have an impact on future class-action litigation.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum