Articles 2025

Jacqueline Angelakis

OBA WLF Event Highlights: January 2021 Speed Mentoring

  • April 02, 2021
  • Jacqueline Angelakis

Jacqueline Angelakis highlights a recent OBA WLF event, a two-day speed mentoring session held in collaboration with the Global Lawyers of Canada (Ontario Chapter).

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum
Amelia Yiu

Managing Parental Leave: Considerations for Women in the Legal Profession

  • April 02, 2021
  • Amelia Yiu, Elm Law Professional Corporation

Lawyers who are about to welcome a new child into their lives should all be concerned about parental leave, but I am writing this for the Women Lawyers Forum because the burden of child care disproportionately falls on women in our society. This is because of the ingrained expectation that women perform these childcare duties, no matter what their profession or the profession of their spouse.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum
KJ Chong

What to Do as In-house Counsel When Litigation Strikes!

  • April 02, 2021
  • KJ Chong, CCCA Executive member, general counsel of Broadgrain Commodities Inc.

KJ Chong shares her thoughts and tips on litigation management as in-house counsel.

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Student Forum
David Mousavi

The Virtual Shift - who is “essential” and do they really need to work onsite?

  • April 02, 2021
  • David Mousavi, CCCA Executive member and general counsel of the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for businesses and their in-house counsel to say the least.  Government mandated lockdowns, Stay-at-Home Orders, and physical distancing regulations were introduced throughout various times of the pandemic - each measure requiring a significant degree of legal interpretation and strategic planning to ensure continued business operations while keeping everyone safe.

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Student Forum

Price v. Smith & Wesson Corp. - Donoghue v. Stephenson and the snail that keeps rearing its (beautiful) head

  • March 31, 2021
  • Annie Legate-Wolfe, Foreman & Company

In Price v. Smith & Wesson Corp., 2021 ONSC 1114, the Court provides an important reminder of the ongoing importance of historical case law to solve modern negligence problems. Despite the evolution of tort law since its early days, the starting point of Donoghue v. Stephenson remains relevant even outside the confines of the classroom, particularly with regard to ejusdem generis, or dangerous goods per se.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Why You (Yes, You) Should Have a Power of Attorney

  • March 30, 2021
  • Calvin Hancock, associate, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Many young lawyers may not think that having powers of attorney is necessary at this early point in their career. Calvin Hancock makes the compelling case for why everyone, including young lawyers, ought to execute power of attorney documentation.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division