
About Articles The following articles are published by the Sole, Small Firm and General Practice Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Lisa Laredo

Do-It-Yourself Marketing for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers

Do-It-Yourself Marketing for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers

  • February 10, 2015
  • Michele R.J. Allinotte

Michele R.J. Allinotte discusses firm logos, social networking, blogging, SEO and traditional strategies as elements to a solo and small firm marketing plan on a small budget.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice
Dangers of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts

Dangers of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts

  • February 10, 2015
  • Stuart E. Rudner

Stuart E. Rudner of Rudner MacDonald LLP discusses the pitfalls of fix term employment contracts. Specifically, without a termination clause, employers ending a contract early will be on the hook for the balance of the term.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

It is Time to Raise the Privacy and Security Bar

  • February 10, 2015
  • Bob Seeman

This article will help smaller firm lawyers better understand data security issues and also provides some questions to ask of technology providers that offer solutions to our profession.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

Hosting Data in the Cloud: A Privacy Review

  • December 19, 2014
  • Allan Oziel

Originally posted on the Oziel Law Blog ( on August 29, 2014, this article discusses the hot topic of hosting client data in the cloud.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

Is Your Will Bank an Asset or Liability?

  • June 25, 2014
  • Benjamin D. Arkin

The author provides an outline of the basic obligations in keeping a client's original will, points out some of the potential risks to keeping original wills and provides some suggestions on how these risks might be addressed. Finally, the author questions whether the business reasons for keeping client's original wills are outweighed by the potential complexity and liability of doing so.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

OBA "Find-a-Lawyer Directory: Be Found in the 21st Century

  • April 29, 2014
  • Kevin Cheung

This article explains the importance of the Internet as a source of information for people trying to decide who to use as their lawyer. It gives an overview of an important tool - the "Find-a-Lawyer Directory" - launched by the OBA to help people find a lawyer. It also sets out the steps for lawyers to set up a profile on the new "Find-a-Lawyer Directory".

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

Being Aware of Your Clients' Patent Rights

  • April 28, 2014
  • Iftekhar Yakub

IP Law tends to be practiced by boutique firms of lawyers who specialize in the area. Nonetheless, a client's IP rights may intersect with other areas of law and the need to be aware of IP rights including patent rights for eventions may be of critical importance to your client. This article identifies some key rights and the existence of important time frames and actions to be aware of to avoid compromising your clients rights.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice