Introducing Foundations of Sole Practice: LSO’s Mandatory Course for New Sole Practitioners

  • October 18, 2024
  • Lisa Laredo, Laredo Law

Sole practitioners have always been the backbone of the legal profession.

In communities across the province, a lawyer running their own shop is often the first port of call for individuals, families and small businesses seeking assistance with complex legal issues.

Together, we account for about one third of all Ontario lawyers and every year, around 775 lawyers join our ranks for the first time, either straight out of law school or after switching from practice in another setting.

On Jan. 1, 2025, the Law Society of Ontario will take a landmark step towards reinforcing that spine of legal practitioners, by requiring all those entering sole practice for the first time to enroll in a practice essentials course known as Foundations of Sole Practice (FSP). Licensees who violate the new rules will risk an administrative suspension.