
About Articles The following articles are published by the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Community Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Rachel Allen


Because Words Kill: Liability for Bullying at School

  • December 01, 2012
  • Adrian Lomaga

All students should feel safe at school. The statistics suggest that much work still needs to be done to ensure that every student can learn and prosper in a supportive and nurturing environment. With the recent proclamation of the Accepting Schools Act, 2012...

Gay Blood Donors Welcomed in UK

  • December 05, 2011
  • Adrian Lomaga

The UK has taken steps to change the lifetime deferral of men who have with men (“MSM”) from the blood donor pool. Soon, any MSM who has not had sexual contact with another man in the past year will be allowed to donate blood.

Trans Rights Update

  • December 05, 2011
  • N. Nicole Nussbaum

The struggle for explicit human rights protections for trans (transgender, transsexual and gender non-conforming) Canadians continues with two private member’s bills introduced this September in the House of Commons.

Reporting from the SCC: Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v. Whatcott

  • December 05, 2011
  • Jonathan Saguil

In an age of pluralism, multiculturalism, and instant communication, there is perhaps no greater challenge for a liberal and democratic society than balancing freedom of expression and religious freedom with the important objectives of promoting equality and dignity.