
David Alli: A Beacon for Future Black Legal Professionals

February 23, 2023 | Tamara J. Sylvester (one/they/them)

SOGIC's Black History Month Feature

photo of David Alli situated above the Earth with a glowing sun on its horizon, next to an inspirational quote

We’ve already made history; the Black community’s contribution to Canadian society is undeniable and indelible. The focus is on the future and ensuring that Black futures are bright. David S. Alli,  Ontario’s first Black Queer legal partner, signals a new dawn, a new day, and a new light for Black students and lawyers aspiring to the upper echelons of the legal profession.

In January 2023, one of Ontario’s leading Labour and Employment Law firms, Hicks Morley, announced that five of its senior associates ascended to the enviable rank of partner. Among them is David, who, in less than five years, proved himself to be an indispensable member of the firm’s Litigation, Labour and Human Rights Practice Groups.  

David self identifies as Black and Queer. Most would agree that the evidence is unequivocal: Racialized, Disabled, 2SLGBTQ+ lawyers continue to reckon with systemic inequity within the profession. From access to quality articling placements to corner offices on Bay Street, these equity-seeking groups continue to encounter significant barriers and challenges. As someone who lives and lawyers at the intersection of two marginalised identities, David appreciates that his achievement is no small feat and will serve as a beacon for tomorrow’s Black Queer legal professionals. For this reason, David prides himself as a mentor who “wears his intersectional identities on his sleeves.”

The whole is brighter than the sum of its parts

David was not always “out and proud.” Owning his Queer identity initially presented a seemingly insurmountable challenge: I spent over half of my legal journey, and most of my life neatly crammed into a box denying a large part of who I am. So, the journey began with a lot of denial.”

David started to embrace his Queer identity after speaking with a Black Queer associate at Hicks Morley. The two met at the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers (CABL) Gala some years ago. According to David, seeing is in fact believing. This colleague helped him to envision himself “in that space, in the skyscraper, in the corner office.” So, when David eventually joined Hicks Morley in 2018,  he was determined to bring his whole self to the workplace which was one of his best decisions yet. According to David, “[when] people are unburdened it results in more energy to accomplish greater things.” Indeed, showing up as his whole self has resulted in a brighter future.

In his current practice, David, who was called to Ontario Bar in 2013, advises employers on a variety of labour and employment law issues, with a focus on human rights, accommodation, and wrongful dismissal defence litigation. Although his passion is oral advocacy, he also regularly works with clients outside of the courtroom to implement policies and strategies to maintain and develop healthy and respectful workplaces. David now considers his Black Queer identity as an invaluable asset. He maintains that his lived experience affords him greater empathy and a unique insightfulness when advising clients: “I’m able to help clients identify blind spots, develop creative solutions – this helps with risk mitigation.”

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