
About Articles The below articles are published by the Municipal Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. 

Editors: Nikolas Koschany and Matthew Lakatos-Hayward


Toronto Moves Forward with a LAB Experiment

  • September 26, 2014
  • Sean Tyler

Toronto City Council has moved to create a Local Appeal Board (“LAB”), making it the first Ontario municipality to experiment with this type of adjudicative body.

Municipal Law

Where the Lions Are

  • May 07, 2014
  • Michael Cochrane

Michael Cochrane reviews two very different books about two very different leaders: Rob Ford and Roy McMurtry.

Municipal Law

E-Signatures and Agreements of Purchase and Sale: An Update

  • October 18, 2013
  • Ray Leclair and Maurizio Romanin

This brief article provides an update on the status of the Ontario Government's intention to allow agreements of purchase and sale for land to be executed by digital signatures, some of the challenges associated with doing so, and the role of various stakeholders in the process.

Municipal Law