
About Articles The following articles are published by the Insolvency Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. 



Recent Expansions of Chapter 15 Jurisdiction

  • April 12, 2012
  • Garry M. Graber, Craig Lutterbein

The breadth of the jurisdiction granted to U.S. Bankruptcy Courts to hear and determine foreign causes of action under chapter 15 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code has been the subject of significant judicial debate.

Criteria for Court Approval of Sale of Assets Under s65.13 of BIA

  • April 12, 2012
  • Paul Denton, Peter Crawley

In the Matter of the Proposal of Komtech Inc., the Ontario Superior Court of Justice addressed the issue of whether a debtor needs to be able to demonstrate its ability to make a viable proposal in order to be able to obtain approval of a sale of its assets out of the ordinary course of business.

Continuing a Proposal Proceeding Under the CCAA: Case Commentary

  • April 12, 2012
  • Maya Poliak, Hylton Levy

In Clothing for Modern Times (Re), the Ontario Superior Court of Justice considered the application of section 11.6 of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act or whether the proceeds of a preference action under s. 95 of the BIA are subject to the rights of secured creditors.

Stern v. Marshall: The U.S. Supreme Court Pitches A Game Changer

  • February 06, 2012
  • Garry M. Graber, Esq., Craig T. Lutterbein, Esq. HODGSON RUSS LLP

Recently, the Supreme Court issued a decision that casts serious doubt on the authority of bankruptcy courts in the United States to hear and finally determine many of the routine claims that those courts have traditionally adjudicated on a virtually exclusive basis.

New LinkedIn Group

  • February 06, 2012

The OBA Insolvency Law Section has a new LinkedIn Group. After you become a member of the Group you'll be able to share information with your fellow Section members through the Group.

OBA Insolvency Law Section Crossword – Edition #1

  • October 17, 2011
  • Frank Spizzirri, Shaheen Karolia

Welcome to our first edition of the OBA Insolvency Law Section Crossword. The first person to complete and email a correctly filled crossword will receive a prize. Bonus prize goes to the first person to find the hidden error. Enjoy!