Complimentary Archived Video "If I Could Revise the Franchise Laws in Canada..." November 19, 2019 Do you find certain aspects of Canadian franchise laws inconsistent or problematic when drafting a national franchise disclosure document or dealing with them in litigation?
Complimentary Archived Video Brand Control or Legal Exposure? Balancing the Franchisor's Need to Control the Brand with Vicarious Liability Concerns June 13, 2018 Inherent in the franchising model is a tension between a franchisor’s need to control and protect its brand and the independence and “separateness” of franchisees.
Section Materials, Complimentary Archived Video The Future of Umbrella Purchaser May 30, 2018 Last year, the Divisional Court in Ontario and the Court of Appeal in British Columbia issued two seemingly contradictory decisions on the issue of “umbrella purchasers” within the context of a competition class action.
Complimentary Archived Video An All-Star Decision? April 18, 2018 The widely anticipated Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Raibex Canada Ltd. v. ASWR Franchising Corp. was released early this year.
Complimentary Archived Video Labour and Employment Issues in Franchising June 06, 2017 Employment issues regularly emerge in every business, but there are specific concerns that arise in the franchise context.
Complimentary Archived Video Disclosing in an All-Star World: Should Franchisors Change Their Disclosure Practices? April 12, 2017 Disclosure plays a key role in franchise law. The September 2016 AllStar Wings decision might have a significant impact on franchisors’ disclosure practices.
Complimentary Archived Video The Supreme Court of Canada Has Spoken...Now What?: Exploring the Fallout from Dunkin' Brands v. Bertico Inc. June 02, 2016 Is there or should there be a duty by franchisors to protect and enhance their franchise brand?
Complimentary Archived Video The Great Renewal Debate April 06, 2016 View a lively discussion on the renewal of franchise agreements.
Complimentary Archived Video Franchise Litigation: How Dunkin’ Donuts and Other Recent Canadian Decisions Will Impact Your Practice June 02, 2015 An informative and focused discussion of the most significant recent cases affecting franchising.
Complimentary Archived Video A Deep Dive into Franchise Disclosure Dilemmas March 25, 2015 In many cases, there is little statutory or judicial guidance on the proper preparation of franchise disclosure documents leaving lawyers who need to properly advise their clients with more questions than answers.