Your First Defense in Dealing with Difficult Clients- the Ethical Rules and a Detailed Engagement Letter October 16, 2013 Marcia L. Proctor The last in a series of articles on ethical issues reprinted with permission of the American Bar Association, see practice management tips on dealing with many of the difficult clients you will recognize.
Toronto SCJ Pro Bono Family ILA Project October 16, 2013 Lorna Yates Information about a new project at the Toronto Superior Court(Family) to provide pro bono advice counsel to self-represented parties where negotiated settlement has been achieved.
Review Orders: Temporary or Final. That is the Question October 04, 2013 Robert Shawyer What are the implications of a review order?
Toronto Family Bench and Bar Update for September, 2013 October 03, 2013 Lorna Yates Useful information about court procedures and other matters.
Did You Know? September 2013 September 30, 2013 Victoria Starr Everything to know about what is happening in the family law community: Events, programs, public advocacy, judicial schedules and more.
Message from the Chair August 09, 2013 Steven Benmor I am very excited to be the incoming Chair of the Ontario Bar Association's Family Law Section. During my 2 year term, I hope to introduce new, exciting and innovative Family law projects and CLE and address pressing law reform issues.
Did You Know? August 08, 2013 Victoria Starr Here is some of what’s going on in or related to family law…
Oh, What a Tangled Web They Weave When Clients Practice to Deceive August 08, 2013 Norman Pattis I know a thing or two about murder. My practice is principally devoted to criminal defense, but it is family law that scares me. When I wander into a family law case, it is usually a high-conflict case.
Representing Victims of Domestic Violence August 08, 2013 Ivana Vaccaro, Archana Medhekar In our family law practice, we have come to learn that representing and advocating on behalf of victims of domestic violence demands more from us than simply fulfilling the scope of our duties as legal practitioners.
Changing the Landscape of the Law: Onward christian soldiers (small "c") August 08, 2013 Jeffery Wilson Conventional family law firms are hiring child protection lawyers, admittedly not with the same hoopla of an Ian Binnie re-joining a law firm, but with probably an equal, if not greater impact for social justice.